Chapter 19: Forever Dead***

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I walked in the house throw my back pack down. I couldn’t have been any happier that practice was over. Coach was on us the whole time. Think he was worried about our next game. We were playing against a school that always won for the past five years. The human blood I had drank was still in my system. It took me four days to come down when I drank some of Ben’s blood.  I went in the backyard when I heard Dad talking to Uncle Jasper. I went into the back yard.


“Jasmine!” Uncle Jasper said as soon as he saw Jazz behind me.


“God, he’s drunk.” Jazz mumbled. His cheeks was red as he held on to the beer his hand. I looked at Dad was trying not to laugh.


“Looks like we missed happy hour.” Ben said. Uncle Jasper looked at Ben.


“So Benjamine when are you gonna take my little girl’s hand in marriage.” Jazz growled at her dad. “It’s okay sweetie pie. Daddy knows what’s best for you”


“Wait, what the hell am I missing?” Ben asked looking me.


“Dad, please.” Jazz’s mom looked at him. Damn, I forgot how fast she moves.

“Jasper, we talked about this. She’s gonna marry someone from the pack.” Jazz growled again and her mom growled back. “We already made arrangements.”


“I don’t want my baby girl marrying one those guys. They won’t let her be herself.” He put his head down on the table pouting like a little kid. “ I want her to marry Ben, he’s my favorite.”  I looked at Ben who looked shocked.  


“I am not marrying anyone! I don’t give a damn what anyone wants. I’m not marrying Ben, and I am not marrying someone in the pack.” Jazz was trying to keep from letting her inner wolf out.


“Yes you will. You will  become a proper young lady and stop this silly nonsense about being boy. No will want to marry a girl who acts more like a guy human or wolf. I’ve put up with this little phase of yours for far too long Jasmine.” Aunt Jamie loved Jazz and wanted what was best for her. But she wasn’t really hearing what Jazz wanted. And Jazz wasn’t hearing what her mom was trying to say.


“Your a contradiction.” Jazz said to her. “You want me marry a wolf, but dad is human. You married a human. If a guy can’t except me for who I am, no matter if I am guy or girl. Then he doesn’t deserve me anyone. It maybe a phase, but one day I’ll figure out who I am. And when I do, it’ll be of my own choice.” Jazz turned and walked off.


“She’s gonna marry Benny.” Uncle Jasper ginning with eyes closed.


“Okay, no more for you my friend.” Dad picked up Uncle Jazz and carried him on his back. I put my back pack down. My stomach my was growling. I really wanted to eat.


“We should go get here.” Ben told me. I rolled my eyes.


“I know, climb on.” Ben got on my back and took off running for the woods. Jazz always ran to the woods when she was really upset which was on the edge of town.  It took me only about ten minutes to get there. I let Ben off me and started looking for Jazz. You think I would be able to find her easily because she was a wolf. Her smell was gone, but I could feel her some where around.  


“Damn Jazz, come out already.” I knew she was aware of us now. “I’m really hungry.” And something smelled horrible.


“RILEY!!” It was Ben. I took off running in his direction. The closer I got to him, the worse the smell got. It was two different smells that were together.


“Ben?” Ben was backed up against another tree. He pointed at something on the ground.


“What is that?” I looked up at Jazz.


“We couldn’t find you.” I told her.


“I used eolas so you couldn’t find me.” Ben looked at her.


“What’s Eolas?” Ben asked.


“That’s not important. What why were you yelling?” I asked him. I looked to where he had been pointing. I came closer.


“It’s a dead body.” Ben said coming closer with me. I took a stick and poked thing on the ground. When I turned it over I could see it really was a body Flies swarmed the whole body. “It’s the women that’s been missing.”


“An animal must have attacked her.” Ben said.


“No it wasn’t. They said she was in the park. No animal would have brought her all the way out here.” Jazz was right. This was a vampire, too much the blood had been sucked out. Whatever was left, she bleed out. I took my phone.


“You calling your mom.” Ben said look a little pale. The other smell was him. I can see drops of sweat on his skin.


“I can literally smell your fear.”I read that some vampire can smell human fear. “I have to call her and tell her.” I called my mom would panicking because I never called her at work. Before I knew it she and five others from the Vampire Police force were there looking at the body.  I stood with my friends as they took the body off. I don’t know how things worked but I knew that her family were never going to hear her body was found. If they were told, it would probably lies to cover things out.


“What are they going to do Mrs. H?” Ben asked my mom as stood in front of us.


“They are going to take the body away and have it looked at. Who ever did this, is going to face a serious charge. Killing a human is against our law.” Our world had so many laws. “ I want you kids to listen to me, mostly you Riley.”


“What did I do?” Mom touched my face.

“Nothing, but you aren’t come out here without me or your uncle with you.” My mom looked worried “There is another vampire in town, could be more. We don’t know if they are threat to us, so stay away from here.”

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