Forever A Mother

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Raven's POV

I looked at everyone in the door. Right now I had brought everyone up to speed to what I was going on. I looked over the files in my hand.

"If anyone sees or hear anything about this missing teacher at Ardmore High School you are to call in all units. I have reason to believe that she is highly dangerous. She currently has an unwilling human as her drudge. As you all know in the past six years it is now outlawed to take on a drudge against a human will." One of my co-workers looked at me.

"Aren't you taking this personal because this is your child she is targeting?" Officer Dent said to me. I could see why Riley didn't like him. He was an annoying fat man who tried to do less work as possible. He didn't care for me only because I had more power here than he did. He assumed it was because I had an in-law on the court.


Jasper laughed and looked at him. " If you ever in this life time find a women that is willing to have children with you, maybe then you would understand." Dent made a face at him. "It's personal when you are protecting someone you know."

"Why be on the case then?" Office Zero softly. "I don't mean to be rude Officer Hanlon. But is that best?"

"Even more reason for me to lead this case. I know more about this than anyone." I put my coat on. "As much as I had nothing to do with me, it has everything to do with me. I will do whatever I can to end this for good." No mother wanted to to do this in first place. More than anything, I want to put all this behind me. I wanted Riley to live a normal life as possible.

"We are heading over to the high school right now. We are allowed to search the grounds, but not talk to any of students. Meeting over." I got my keys. Officer Zero followed behind me. She was the youngest officer we had. She was only five years than Riley.

"Did you hear, they are going to be adding a new division under the vampire court." She said putting on her badge. Officer Zero has been training under me for sometime. "They are wait to add younger Officers. Like teenagers."

"I can see how that can be useful. Young minds think differently from ours." We got into the car. "At the same time, they are hot head and don't always think clearly." I pulled out the parking lot with five other cars behind me. I didn't want to draw any attention on to the high school was a lot of officers, but I had to bring as many men as I could. The school was only ten minutes away. We pulled up to the high school, where it looked like we came in the middle of them changing classes. We quickly got, I held on the search warrant in case the principal tried anything. I made my way up the halls wasting no time. Officer Zero handled anyone that came to try and ask question. Rounding the staircase I went to room twenty-eight. They looked to already have students in class. Right away I spotted red hair by the window. Vibrant red hair that seemed to light up the dull looking classroom. I have cursed my son with red hair, if I had it my way he would have dark hair like his father. I knew what kids were like to you when your hair looked like flames. Maybe my next child will be lucky.

Riley looked at me from the window. He didn't look happy at all that I was there. Then again no child ever wanted to see their parent at school. "I need all of you to line up in the hallway quietly." I announced." The student went out into the hall with their substitute teacher. I pulled the door shut. I tried to reach Riley, but he was still blocking my thoughts. It's been days and he still won't talk. Darren was right, he is stubborn like me. We then searched the desk and the rest of the class. Everything seemed to be in order. I was looking over some of the computer files when something in the hall took my attention. I went out in the hall and noticed a tall kid was dark brown hair standing over Riley. From the expression on he looked annoyed. Like his father, he didn't deal with annoying things too well. A second boy with blond hair appeared next to the first. Why did this look familiar?

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