Chapter 25: Forever Crazy

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    I had no idea what I was going to do. I was just told that I had vampire venom inside of my body and that's why I been feeling this way. I still hadn't said anything about the nightmares or sometimes sleep walking. I had told Jazz about the nightmares but not the sleep walking.  There was no way to tell someone that sometimes my dreams seem so real, that I sleep walk. I use to sleep walk a lot as kid. I would wake up in different parts of the house. But then, it got worse. I would wake up at the park or sometimes on school grounds. I wouldn't be in my pajamas I would pajamas full dressed. As I got older, the sleep walking just stopped. But lately I've been doing it again. A few night ago I woke up in bed full dressed, when I know I fell asleep naked.  My laptop has been open, and sometimes I would send text messages. At first I thought it was just sleepwalking. That was till I was waken up with bruises. My body often felt tired, like I had been to football practice. When I didn't sleep, it was worse. I was scared to fall asleep.  When I first started sleep walking as kid, it was because of stress. My parents both traveled a lot, which left with my sister and the housemaid.  Recently my parents have been traveling again to promote their book.  I didn't want to tell them I was sleep walking again. I never wanted to go back to Angle Arms Manner.

    When I was about ten, the sleepwalking started. I could never remember what the dream where. Sometimes I would wake in the kitchen. Other times I would wake up the park.  My parents never thought anything of it. That was, till one my mom found in the kitchen. She knew I been sleep walking. The doctors told her, to never try and wake from sleep walking. From my mom told me later on, she found me holding knife.  That's when I started see Doctor McCormick at Angle Arms Manner.  I had been there for only two weeks, the place drove me crazy. There was real crazy there.  After a while I stopped sleepwalking, but I still had bad dreams every now and then. Which made me afraid to say something. Both my friends were supernatural beings.  They wouldn't understand their friend went to the crazy  house.

"What are we going to about him?" Ms. H asked.  I looked at Riley's parents. Right now the reality of things were finally setting in.  I was going to die. I didn't get the venom of me in time, I was gonna dead. The thing is, I don't even know how it could got there. 

"We can always cut him open." The women with the white hair said.  She would have been an attractive women, if it wasn't for the eyes path. Then again, the eye patch made her more interesting. 

"We could do that, but I don't think my son would want anything like that to happen to his friend." Mr. Hanlon came over to me placing his hand on my shoulder. His eyes were telling to relax. I forgot that they could hear how fast my heart was racing. 

"W...what the..." Riley mumbled moving on the sofa. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Ben...." I came closer to hear him better.  He placed his hand up against my chest. When I did, I felt sick. I ran to the bathroom and throw up. Whatever was  inside me was something dark purple.  After about ten minutes I came out bathroom.  Riley's eyes were half open and he didn't look like he could move.  "I can' some of this thoughts...."  It sounded like he was struggling to breath.

"How is that possible." Riley's Uncle Kevin said turning to me.

"Everything get foggy....somethings are there....others are missing."  Riley said resting his head on the back of the sofa. I could see he had no strength.

"Sounds like he has a block on his brain."  The women with the white hair said.  " That would be the only way, that someone wouldn't hear what he was thinking." Everyone in the room was suddenly look at me.

"Then what do I do?" So far I heard a lot of question, yet none was provided with an answer. 

"Sounds to me like young Benjamin here, needs to be watched for a while." Riley's Uncle Kevin said. It still made me feel uneasy having them all watch me. I barely knew what was going on. It sucked that Jazz left here with all this. Normally she always translated to me to where I got what was going on. 

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