Chapter 30: Forever Changed

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It felt like my body was on fire. Every time I opened my eyes, it was for very long. My mom was pacing a lot and my dad kept trying to get her to relax. I could hear my own bones moving. I couldn't move from the bed I was in. I was chained to the bed. I was brought water and sandwiches a lot but it was hard to sit up and eat.

I opened my eyes for what seemed like millions of years since I opened them. I felt tired. Uncle Kevin was in the corner of the basement with his arms folded, fast asleep. I noticed my arms and legs were free. I slowly sat up, my stomach growled.

"Uncle?" I called, his eyes opened.

"You're awake." He got up off the stole. "Now your mom can stop worrying." My head snapped to the left, foot steps. The first set of foot steps was my moms. I could smell her scent. She smelled like the forest. I had never noticed it before.

"My baby!" When mom reached me she wrapped her arms around me. Normally mom had a death grip when she hugged me, now it was like she was barely holding me.

"Raven, he's fine." Dad told her. My dad smelled like coffee and cinnamon. "The boy has a lot of questions." My mother gave my dad a looked, but Dad turned and walked out the basement. I followed behind him and my mom.
"There are some things Riley that we didn't plan on telling you. Not ever or till you were older. I know we talked about keeping secrets, but this was kept from you for a good reason." We all sat down at the table.

"How long I been out?" I was drooling looking over the pasta mom put in front of me. Before she could have give me the garlic bread I started eating.

"A week." Dad replied. I looked up at him with the fork in my month. "You descended. Your a full vampire now. I was expecting you to reach that finally stage. Which now means your body had changed. With that change your going to have to get use to new things." I stuffed the garlic bread into my month.

"For starts we need to teach you to hunt." Mom said giving me another bowl of pasta.

"Do all vampire's descend?" I asked mom?

"No. If you're bitten, no. If you are born from the vampire gene then yes. Even in some rare cases, some vampire offspring stay human. Which is what we thought would happen to you because I use to be human." I nodded head. I was so hungry, the food tasted so good.

"So what is you two had to tell me?" Mom sat down.
"You remember when we told you about the battles we had before you were born?" Dad asked. I nodded again reaching for the other bowl mom had put on the table for me. "You see there is one last fight we were in. The fight that has to do with why I live in hiding." With those words my father had my full attention.

"It's because of me." Mom said softly. Dad turned her, eyes slightly angry. "You know it's true Darren." My father took my mother's hand in his. "The man that tried to kill your father, and marry me. He knew I would become very powerful if I became a vampire."

"Was he right?" I pushed the bowl away.

"Yes." I looked at my mother. I couldn't picture her being a powerful vampire. The powerful ones I did know how, went crazy with power or disappeared from the world to keep themselves safe. I mean, she had to be something as she walked as an officer of the Vampire Court. "This man wanted to produce the profit, someone so powerful. That the world will live in will crumble."

"His plan failed." Dad shifted in his chair. "But something unknow was produced from your son."
"What about me?" I had never heard anything before about a profit. Then again, I wasn't around other vampires to hear of anything.

"When you were born, like on every birthday you have. Lighting stuck, which was odd for a birth of a vampire. I thought it was your mother's power, but it was you. For this reason, you was sought out by the followers of Luke and the vampire court." I closed my eyes for second. I was remembering something. A man in a room, a game. I was scared.... I opened my eyes and looked at my mom.

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