Chapter 9: Forever Bitching

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"At some point you have to say something Riley." I agreed with her that. At some point I'll have to take my chances and tell her. Dianna came in as new song started. She pulled on Sophia's arm telling her come down with her. She waved to me as she disappeared into the sea of the people. I got up and went back out the door. I was trying to get by when bumped into the last person I wanted to see right now.

"Watch where you going." Dunbar shoved me. I stepped back with one foot. He looked down at his shirt where I had spilled the contents of my cup onto him. Really smooth Riley. "You're gonna pay for that." Dunbar came closer to me, but I dropped the cup and ran. I jumped across the counter and went straight into the living room. I ran out the front door but he was still on me, I ran around the side of the house before he had chance to see me hide in the shadow on the house. He ran right past me. I texted Ben and Jazz. I carefully looked around. There was a bedroom above me. I quickly climbed the side of the house into the bedroom and went down stairs to the bathroom.

"What the hell?" Jazz said standing in the corner looking at me. Ben came up the staircase.

"I pissed Dunbar off and now he is looking for me. If the video is going to happen we need to do it now." I didn't hear Dunbar's foot steps yet.

"I can't get to the turntables. Jonna is still standing over there, and I can't get him away." Ben looked down the staircase. "One of you is going to have to distract him. Next song, one of you have to dance. When he is distracted I'll set up my lap and go from there."

"Riley is gonna have to be you, I still have to change." Jazz slipped into the bathroom behind her.

"Great, the one that's the most nervous has to go first." I went down the hallway into an empty bedroom and flipped my reversible jacket around. I paid careful attention the music playing. Ben gave me a black gas mask. "What happened to our old mask?"

"Jazz said she thought they look cooler." I put the black gas mask over my face after I put the ski mask. "She is right you look badass. Just make sure you put your hood up. " I watched as he put his on. I flipped my hood up and pull the strings on it.

"I'm gonna go out the window and come in the front door. When everyone is looking..." I'm sure they will be, the gas mask is distracting enough. "You set up the lap to."

"I already put up the cameras. There is one in the kitchen and two in the living room." I went to the window and jumped out. I landed softly. I went around the house and came inside the front door. Right away I had everyone's attention. I got on top the counter. When the music started dancing. The crow started going crazy. Everyone tried to get into the kitchen. I could see into the living room Ben has his gas mask on setting up his laptop. I kept dancing long enough for Ben cut into the song that was playing. I could hear the mix of dubstep and rap music is mixing in together. I could Jazz moving across the room. She had black wig on with bangs. No one ever guess it was her was because she black dress. I got down off the counter and went to living room where she dancing. Everyone followed me in there. I started memic her moves back to her. I just hope we could get all this in one shot. As I danced I noticed Sophia standing on staircase watching. After five minutes Ben switched the music. "SOLO ROUND." the words echoed from the speakers. Jazz stepped back as danced.

I sat on the counter trying to make it seem like I had been sitting there the whole time. I was just eavesdropping. Everyone was looking at their phones talking about what just happened. I smiled to myself.

"I was not expecting that." Been said watching the video one of his cameras. "Too bad no one from I'll school will ever see this."

"Just the few who did come." The party we were at where kids fromHarlow High School. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. Crap, I had twenty minutes before me and Ben had to be home.

"Look at the time." I got off the counter.

"Shit. How the hell we gonna get home? I can't get my sister to drop us off. The bus stopped running ten minutes." I pulled out my phone and texted my mom. I couldn't call mom to get us. No matter how cool my mom is. You never call your mom to pick you up at wild ass party and your friend is drunk.

"I got an idea. Just put follow me." I went outside and got Jazz who talking to some guys. A few them where wolves. "We have to right now or all of us gonna be on lockdown." I looked at my phone. We walked around the house. I glad Dunbar didn't never find me.

"Dude, we aren't gonna make it walking."

"Put your back pack all the way and climb on my back." I told him. "Jazz and you run without transforming?"

"Yeah." She said. Ben looked confused.

"You're not gonna piggy back me man." He said to me.

"Seriously Ben. Your the one gonna have your dick on my back. I should be bitching not you." I said to him.

"I think that qualifies as bitching Riley." He said back

"Oh my god, shut up." Jazz said. "Get on his back. And just hold on as tight as you can. And don't scream." Ben got on.

"If you throw up on me, I will kill you been." Jazz took off running. I took of running behind her. I never did this before. I never even tried to running before. Never had reason to. I picked up speed and caught up with Jazz.

"THIS IS AMAZING!" Ben said over the loud air rushing around us. We got on my street and stopped in front my house. I let Ben off my back. We went inside where mom was sitting at her laptop. We smiled at her and went straight up to my room. Ben got on my laptop and started started working editing the video. I laid back on my bed and drifted off to sleep.

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