22 0 0

Inko's phone slid down her hand and hit the floor.


Hasashi came in the living room. "Love, you ok? I heard someth-"

Inko's eyes connected with Hasashi's. Lo and behold despair and fear in her eyes.

He ran towards her and grabbed her shoulders. "Love, what's wrong?!"

"Are you still there, ma'am?"

Inko's breaths were rapid; she was hyperventilating. Noticing that, he panicked and did what he thought that could help her; he hugged her and combed her hair. "Shhhhh... I'm here... It's ok... Just take deep breaths...and calm down, ok...love?"

She did what he said and was able to calm down after a bit. "Thanks, Sashi."

He loosened up the hug and sighed in relief. "'welcome, love."

A small smile appeared on her lips. Inko used her quirk on her phone and once it was in her hand she brought it to her ear. "Sir? Are you still there?"

"Yes, ma'am. I know you probably aren't, but are you ok?"

She closed her eyes, rested her forehead against her boyfriends chest and sighed. "No..."

The man rested his chin on top of her head, closed his eyes and sighed.

"I'm very sorry for what happened, but could you please come to the Iwata police station? Your son is very agitated."

"...Yes..., but was he the only one that..."

"We can not be absolutely sure as of now, but the possibility is high because of the quantity of blood and body parts found at the crime scene without mentioning all of the damage that was done to the house and around it."

"Alright...," The green-haired woman sighed again. "All of you are doing your best. I'm sure that it will be known if my son was the only one to survive or if someone else survived."

Hasashi tightened the hug after hearing what his future wife said.

"Thanks for the understanding, ma'am. We appreciate it."

Inko weakly smiled as tears threatened to fall. "You're welcome, sir. I'll get there as fast as I can."

"Thank you."

The line went dead.

Inko's muscles relaxed as she toke a deep breath. Her arms snaked around his back and she hugged him tightly.


"Just need a bit to process what happened...," she answered.

"Alright, love..."

They stayed like that for what felt for hours, but in reality only a few minutes had passed.

She took deep breath and let go of the hug. "I'm a bit better now, Sashi. Thanks for the hug. I really needed it."

The man's heart calmed down seeing that his love was somewhat better. His facial features relaxed, a smile appeared on his lips and his eyes showed all the love he felt for the woman in his arms. "No prob, love."

He kissed her forehead and placed some strands of loose hair behind her ear. "Is Tenko ok? And what about his father's family?"

Inko avoided eye contact as tears threatened to fall again. "He's...ok, but the others...they're...the police thinks that all of them are...dead...even Hana-chan..."

The stomach of the red-haired went cold from what she said. "Are they sure...?"

"The man that told me the bad news said that they aren't 100% they're all dead, but the chances are high because of the amount of...blood and...body parts present at the residence..."

He let go the hug completelly and held her shoulder tightly. "Are they sure that they didn't go to the wrong house?"

She held eye contact as tears fell. "They don't know...," She whispered. "But at least Tenko's alive..."

He sighed and loosened his grasp. "Tenko is probably scared of whatever happened..."

She gave him the smallest the smiles. "The policeman said to go to the Iwata police station as fast as possible. He also said that Tenko's agitated. His allergy must be acting up too."

Hasashi leaned his forehead on hers. "Let's go then...?"


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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