Love At First Sight(Joshaya)

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Happy Birthday Maya Matthews!!😉

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes.


At First Sight(Joshaya)

Josh followed behind Andrew and Lucas into the dark hot night club as the music blared. His eyes wondered around checking out the girls, not finding any interested in any of them. He sighed, wishing he had stayed home instead of wasting his time here.

"Why did we come to this club again?" he complained. "I hate clubs." he muttered under his breath.

"Lighten up, grump. We just got here," Lucas mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah!" Andrew agreed. "There's plenty of chicks in here," he grinned, checking out the girls that just walked past him. "None of us have to leave alone tonight," he smirked, fixing his collar.

"You're going to be the only one leaving alone tonight looking like that," Lucas snorted, looking at Andrew as he obviously checked out another group of girls that walked pass them.

"Man, what are you talking about? I look good," Andrew snapped back, brushing off the lent on his arms that wasn't there and bouncing to the music.

Josh rolled his eyes, listening to his friends start to bicker back and forth. He walked over to a little more to quite part of the club, leaving his friend behind. He leaned forward, telling the bartender his drink order before he turned, leaning back against the bar, looking around the club while he waited on his drink.

He hated clubs. It definitely wasn't his scene and never was. He never felt comfortable in them. He noticed a girl standing not to far from him, staring at him. He gave a little nod and smile, before turning back around and rolling his eyes. He could hear girls' voices coming up behind him.

"Smackle. Riley. I hate these kinds of places and you know it."

"Maya, calm down. Relax and have fun. Maybe you'll find a boyfriend."

"I'm not going to find a boyfriend here. Look around. You know these places make me feel uncomfortable and I'm pretty sure everyone here is a loser."

A smile came to Josh's face at the sweet but a little sassy voice somewhere behind him, complaining some of the same complaints that he did not so long ago. He paid for his drink, thanking the bartender. He took a sip, before turning around bumping into the person directly behind him. His drink spilling as the girl stepped back, dropping her purse.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized, turning around quickly, putting his now half spilled drink on the bar. He look down at the blonde hair girl gathering her things that fell out of her purse, kicking himself. He couldn't see her face, but he could tell he just ruined her night. "I'm such an idiot. I didn't realize you were right behind," he continued apologizing, while he quickly grabbed some napkins off of the bar to give to her.

"It's okay. Really," she said with a little laugh, keeping her head down while putting her lip gloss that fell out back in to her red clutch that matched her dress perfectly.

"Here you go," he said, bending down to hand her the napkins.

Their hands touched as she went for the napkins, sending a shock through both of them. Their eyes slowly met.

"Thank you," she said, shyly, not taking her eyes off him as the napkins fell to the ground.

Josh's eyes stared into her beautiful blue eyes as their hands remain connected. It was like they were the only two in the room. His breath got caught in this throat as he stared into the eyes of the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. The girl more importantly he could see himself spending the rest of his life. He never believed in love at first sight but he now believed he was experiencing it as he envisioned a future for the girl in front of him.

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