Chapter 6 The result

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Connors pov...
Me, Ricky and Jc walked into the hospital and we came up to the reception desk connor panted "Eve lawley brought in today?!" The lady just pointed so I ran towards the room and saw Becky crying with Sam cuddling her for comfort.
They looked up as I walked in and Sam got up and walked over to me and sighed "mate Eve hasn't been awake since the accident the doctors don't know if she is alive or not?"

Ricky stormed in and pulled someone with him and it's Sian!!
"Why have you got my sisters best mate here?" Kian said.
"Oh I don't think so will be her 'best friend' after what she has done she is the reason why your sister is in here she drove the car!" Sian looked at me and went green in the face and ran out and Sam ran after her.

Nobody pov....
Sian turned around as Sam grabbed her hand as she slapped him across the face. Sam was in horror and he stepped back and shouted "thanks to you my life is shit and my girlfriend is in hospital and Becky's heart is destroyed you will pay for this!"

Sian followed Sam back into the hospital room as she came to my bedside and she was holding a needle (which could make me die if I survive or not) and it was about to prick me when Connor burst in and dropped Starbucks coffee all over the floor and pulled sian away she started to fight back.

....Eves pov...
I woke up to see Connor and Sian fighting I tried to get out of bed when Kian came in and cheered on Connor and I screamed "STOP why are you doing this to my best friend?"
Connor turned to me there was a twinkle in his green eyes.
"she tried to kill you and she was the driver who nearly sent you to your death!" Sian turned red.
Connor held my hand as Kian took sian out of the hospital and he said "Eve I think I understand my feelings now I think your the only light in my dark heart and I really love you!" as he pulled out a bunch of roses and Connor sat on the edge if my bed. "I love you to Connor!" I smiled.

...Becky's pov...
"This is it my destiny as my friend is in hospital for saving me well I'm not worth saving for I'm alone and my family are so far away no point calling then for the last time?!"
I sat down writing letters to Eve, family and Sam as tears rolled down my rosy cheeks.
I got up and put my letters in my pocket and hoped Casper would find them and give them away. My feet were on the edge and I looked down and thought "I want to close my eyes for this it's too high for me to cope!"
As I leaned forward and got ready to jump I felt a warm hand pull me back I turned around and it was Sam "please don't go!" As he pulled me to sit down on the edge of the hospital (he knew me well that I wouldn't leave the edge).
He explained that Eve broke up with him when I ran off so I would be happy I broke down into tears he held my hand and he squeezed it tightly "I will never leave you I want you to be happy to not just eve will you be my girlfriend?"
I nodded and he pulled me closer to him and kissed me passionately I think I'm in love....
That's chapter 6 please comment is you like it sorry about it being short stay happy xx💚💜💛💙❤️

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