Delinquent (High School AU)

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Keys: Y/N - Your Name
L/F/H/C - Least Favorite Hair Color
H/C - Hair Color
Word Count: 1203 Words

//; I've done something, and that is made God cry. Enjoy this rushed chapter that I pulled straight out my ass so I could work on homework

Y/N's P.O.V.

I sighed as I opened my journal, starting to write in it. Today was my second week in a new school, and I was already getting bullied. Since I moved so much because of bullying, my mom didn't believe that I was getting bullied already, so she's making me write in a notebook about how my days go. Today's my fifth day of writing. I've already started writing earlier today, during my trip to the nurse. It goes a little something like this:

Day 5:

Still not really sure how to start these entries. Anyway, today's Tuesday. I tripped on the stairs trying to get to class. It hurt. A lot. Nobody helped me, because they were all too busy laughing at me. I have to skip first block to go to the nurse, so I could get ice for my shoulder. I swear to god, nurses always think that ice heals anything. I wonder how world war three will turn out. i think nurses'll just slap that shit on, and the soldiers would be fine. anyway, like I said, I'm skipping first to make sure my shoulder isn't fucked up. I just heard something about delinquents coming here on Friday, and I'm not ready for that. Like, not really. Bullying's kinda overrated at this point. But those people? They scare me. I have to go now, I'm at the nurse's door.

I continued writing, talking about how Taylor shot paper balls at my head, how Aliyah acted like a bitch to me during second, and how everyone just acted like total jackasses. I finally finished, and went to go get lunch. The food here isn't bad as the other schools I've gone to, but the pizza is still oily as hell. I grabbed two soft tacos, fries, and hot sauce before I typed my lunch number in. The lunch lady smiled at me, and wished me a good day. Like that'll ever happen. I went to go buy myself a lemonade, which was overpriced, but I still paid for it nonetheless. I sat down to eat, and watched as everyone threw dirty looks at me. Whatever. Then, the doors swung open harshly, and there stood three figures. My bullies gasped, and some even cowered. I just sat there, eyebrow raised as I continued eating. The three people strode past everyone, and stopped at my table. I merely looked up, still eating. "What the fuck are you doing at our table?" The shortest of the trio spat. "Eating, what the hell does it look like I'm doing?" I retorted, and the tallest moved to punch me, but the short one stopped him. He smirked, and chuckled. 

"I like you. We'll come back." True to their word, the came back to sit down with me. I learned their names, which were Alex, Aksel, and Hoover. They all had matching silver rings, which read a date, I'm assuming when they all became friends. Anyway, they weren't so bad, but to everyone else, they were ruthless, and cold-hearted. They were outcasts in the beginning, but changed their ways once they grew tired of being bullied. So, they cast fear into everyone, and then the bullying ceased. Nobody talked to them, for fear of what would happen. But that's besides the point. Hoover was the nicest out of the three, the most approachable without some threat spewed. Then, there was Alex. He was more on the rough side, but not as much as Aksel. Aksel was the one who hated everyone, who was more violent, and was always pissed. 

After that day forward, nobody bullied me anymore. Instead, they moved onto framing me for things I didn't do. Someone accused me of taking jewelry. Another said I had shouted foul things to a substitute. I was pissed. I had, instead of going to Aksel and the others, decided to confront the principal. Of course, she didn't believe me. With everyone turning against me, I had no one on my side. Not to mention, I also had a crush on Alex, which stressed me out even more.

-Time Skip-

It's been over a month since I've started coming to school, and I've been framed for a total of 24 crimes, all accusing me of doing violent actions. Of course Hoover knew that I'd been accused, but he's been busy, and I don't want to tell the others. Well, that's what I wanted. Did I get what I wanted? Of course not. The principal, fed up with me, called me up to the office this morning. I looked over at Aksel uneasily, and he just shrugged. I walked to the office, and the principal had a hard look on her face. "Y/N, you really thought you could just go ahead and not know that your actions would go unpunished?" I looked up at her in confusion, immediately regretting it. "Don't look at me like that! You know what you did!" I shook my head. "I don't know what you're talking about." She threw a packet in front of me, which contained several photos of what looked like me beating a teacher relentlessly.

I shoved them towards her. "When were these taken?" "Last week, after school hours." I chuckled, and pointed at "my" hair, and "my" shoes in the picture. I never wore Nike. I also never had my hair L/F/H/C, I've always kept my hair H/C. "Alright, ma'am, since you're so keen on catching me, first of all, you can ask the delinquents what shoes I wear. Secondly, why would I dye my hair a ridiculous color such as L/F/H/C?" "I don't know! But there were two students who turned these photos in, desiring to catch you. I know the situation is getting out of hand, but I have been given evidence by the students to have you permanently expelled." I frowned. "What happened to innocent until proven guilty?" She looked at me dead in the eye. "Delinquents don't deserve fairness." All of a sudden, the door slammed open, Hoover and Alex panting crazily. "What in the-?" The principal looked puzzled. "She.. she didn't do it.. it... she.. she hates... Nike.." Aksel heaved out as pointed at my shoes, which, true to his word, weren't Nike, but rather Vans.

"Well, that still doesn't prove anything!" She tried to argue. "She also doesn't dye her hair every week, unlike B/N.." Hoover gasped, as he caught his breath. "I.." "She also had her hair L/F/H/C last week, if that helps," I pointed out, leaning back in my chair. "Well.. um.. I.. fine. You're all free to go. I'll.. look through the evidence once more." Alex took me out of the office, and he gave me my bag. "We're skipping, so we thought we might bring you along, if that's fine..." He explained, and I smiled, nudging him. "We? Alex, you and I are the only ones here. Aksel and Hoover ran." Alex blushed darkly, and he frowned. "N-not like that!"

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