Coffee and Kisses

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Y/N - Your Name
L/N - Last Name

It was a cold and breezy day in Manhattan, and your devilish teacher had decided to have class today. Why? Because exams were coming quickly, and you and a few other students really need the extra classes, and you sure as hell did not want to fail. Heading to your school, you pondered whether or not you should really go, but it was too late to head back; you had already arrived.

"Good morning class, today we will be reviewing the Logarithm function, and a couple other things..." Your mind decided to daydream while Ms. Pauline started setting up the lesson. It's been a few weeks since Alexis last called you, and you were a bit worried. Your long-distance relationship had started as him becoming an exchange student. You knew he stayed up late to stream on Twitch, but lately he'd been putting most of them to the side, too. You worried for him, if he was alright. Rarely, the Mexican would go on break, only if absolutely necessary, and that seemed the case now. If you were being honest, it sort of... scared you a little. For the year and a half you two have dated, he'd never gone on break. Speaking of year and a half, yesterday was actually the anniversary, and all he'd managed to do was text you a small paragraph.

After class, retaining more info than normal, you decided to treat yourself to some coffee, seeing as a small cafe was open, and luckily, it was your favorite! Stepping inside, you heard the small bell ring, alerting the staff that a new customer had arrived. Taking a seat, you wrapped your only hoodie from Alex closely around you, and a waiter walked up to your table. "Hello ma'am! What would you like today?" "Could I get a latte?" And a-" "I'd like an espresso, would you?" A familiar voice spoke softly. ".... Alex?" You were shocked. "Missed me?" You felt tears start rolling down your cheeks, and you slowly stood up, your boyfriend enveloping you in a tight hug.

Alex's P.O.V.

"Missed me?" I asked uneasily as I saw Y/N. I know it's been a long time since we've talked, and I wasn't sure if she left me out of neglection. "Yes, estupido..." I smiled. I taught her to call me stupid if anything ever happened the last time we met up, which was a year ago. "Why didn't you call me? I missed hearing your voice, you big nut." "I was saving up money, and I had multiple shifts, I hadn't realized I was neglecting you. Please don't be mad at me-" I was cut short as I felt a pair of lips kiss mine. I pulled away shortly after and smiled softly. "Let's go out, let me treat you, mi corazon."

//; this was cancerous I promise to redo this but for now please take this I'm so sorry please don't hurt me-

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