Drip or No Drip?

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Words; 309

"cHAT STOP SAYING I HAVE NO DRIP, COME ON MAN! YES I DO!" You sighed as you heard your neighbor scream once more. How long is he gonna stay up and yell? For the past hour and a half, he's been shouting that he has drip, and if others have drip or not. You rubbed your eyes and stifled a yawn, before turning once more. It was one in the morning, and you had to get to work early. "God, shut up!" You shouted angrily without even realizing it. All movement stopped on the other side of the wall, before it continued, barely audible.

A few minutes later, you heard a knock on your door. Standing up slowly, you looked through the peephole, as the hallway light was turned on, and saw a boy who looked prepubescent. You opened the door slightly, and poked your head out. 'God, I bet I look like a mess.' "Yes?" He rubbed his neck sheepishly, and frowned. "Sorry for, um, waking you up, and being disruptive." I looked at him up and down, as if annoyed slightly. He had dark brown hair and eyes, and a mole above his upper lip. For some reason, he was dressed in a pair of jeans, a short-sleeved shirt, a Hawaiian shirt above the normal one jacket, and a beanie. What?? Why??  He looked ridiculous. "...cute.." I mumbled, before blinking. "Sorry, you're fine. Just, remember that you now have a neighbor, and I need sleep." 

He nodded, before turning. 'That was too mean, apologize!!' "Hey, wait. I um, apologize for being too mean-" He cut me off. "That wasn't mean, I'm just not used to moving around, and I'm- I guess- I can't talk to girls for life, so my Twitch chat was trying to help?" He shrugged befre giving a small smile. "Mind helping me?"

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