Yunho hum in question as he watch Mingi's hand wiggling in front of him.

"Drink. It'll help a little with your headache." Mingi says softly and Yunho nods as he weakly pulls Mingi's index finger towards his mouth, biting it a bit using his fangs and sucking on the blood slowly.

Yunho sighs when he feels his headache diminish greatly and after a few more minutes, Yunho stops as he licks the wound to stop the bleeding and heals it.


Yunho nods and tilts his head up a bit from Mingi's shoulder to give the vampire a small thankful smile and Mingi kisses Yunho's forehead.

More vampires and werewolves arrive and after a moment, the higher ups enter the hall as the voices of people talking diminish until not a single sound is uttered.

"Greetings. Thank you for coming today on such short notice but I'm under the impression that everyone has heard what happened yesterday evening? Correct?" Lord Hwan speaks once everyone is paying attention to them.

All of them nod their heads and Lord Hwan continues to speak.

"There were exactly 3 groups of rogue vampires and 2 packs of rogue alphas that tried to enter this sanctuary yesterday evening with in mind to destroy this sanctuary and to kidnap our hybrid and corrupt his mind in hope that he will join them and destroy this sanctuary together."

Everyone glanced over to Yunho when Lord Hwan had mentioned him and he can't help but to squirm in his seat and cringe inwardly while he tries to be as small as he can hiding next to Mingi.

"The purpose of this meeting is, to find if there are traitors among us as we never announce to the world about our sanctuary whereabouts or our hybrid. As far as the world knows, the whereabouts of our sanctuary is still a mystery and the hybrid is still nowhere to be found. Only us who recite here knew about these so I'm giving the culprits a chance right now and come forward to confess of your fault."

Lord Hwan continues to speak and begins to increase his voice sternly by the end of it.

The already silent hall became more silent and the increasing tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. No one dares to even move before one of the older groups of vampires sneer and scoff while looking at Ateez.

"It must be someone from the youngest group my lord! As they are young and might've slipped when they venture out in the city to play." the old vampire said. The old vampire is the leader of the more older group in the coven as his members including himself, 7 vampires in total. He hated Ateez once Yunho came in the picture because he had somewhat taken a liking to the hybrid and had hoped that Yunho would be his as he never found his mate yet.

"Here we go again.." Seonghwa whispers that only Ateez can hear.

"Why do they always have to pick on us?" Jongho mumbled.

"Excuse me? We very much love this sanctuary and our hybrid that is MATED to one of our members. Why would we jeopardize it that can cause harm to what we hold dear?" Wooyoung snarls back from his seat.

"I really don't understand why we must call you older vampires except for the higher ups the 'wiser' one. I don't see any and I found the wiser one more on the younger side of these groups." Yeosang deadpan making the other young group vampires had to hold their laughter.

"We might venture out to the city to 'play' as you have said it but at least we never harm people or drink until you're drunk off of your ass that one of us younger and not the 'wiser' one had to come and pick your drunk asses back here." huffed San.

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