To which the wolves calm down a bit seeing the blue speedster unharmed "Um, is he an actual robot or-" he questioned, "Yeah, he's an Actual robot what else would he be?" Rouge questioned "Right, right hehe, never mind," Sonic laugh nervously, rubbing the back of his head.

As Suzen's ears lowered when she huffed while Leo nuzzled the teen's hand and Blast whimpered "Sonic?" someone says the teen's name as he turned around to see Julian who seemed to have just arrived there.
"Oh Julian hey, I forgot you were stationed here for a second there," Sonic says with a smile "Guys this is my friend Julian. Julian these are my friends," the blue blur explained his tail wagging.

"Oh, congratulations on the friends! I bet they're all proud of you," Julian says with a smirk "Oh ya, Lunar was ecstatic when he heard and could stop bouncing off the walls," Sonic says while chuckling as the older man laughed.

Leo became a bit embarrassed but couldn't deny the truth "Alpha was a bit skeptical though, but she's fine now that she's got to see most of them and Unc almost had a heart attack," Sonic says with joy as he leaned against the food cart.
"Mhm, now don't ignore your friends, we can talk tomorrow alright, you don't want to mess up after all," Julain says with a knowing look on his face.

"Right, I can't let you all down," Sonic says as he stood up properly and looked over at his friends who were all looking at him "Uh, you guys want something to eat, or have you eaten already?" he asked them.

"We already ate," Tails says referring to him and Knuckles "I already ate too," Amy says as Cream nodded her head agreeing with Amy "I could eat," Big says while tilting his head "I'm fine," Rouge says while crossing her arms under her chest.
When Julian pats Sonic's head Suzen huffs while getting up, going over to Sonic her tail wagging slightly while Leo and Blast shook their heads.

As Julian chuckled while looking at Suzen who placed her paw on the cart "How many for you?" he asked her as she bark and Sonic held up 5 fingers "Five today? Alright," he says as the alpha nodded her head and then sat down.

When Big got up and waddled over bouncing in his step while looking at Sonic his eyes sparkled so the young teen held up two fingers "Two for the big guy?" Julian asked to which Sonic nodded his head, now this amazed the big cat who gasped "how'd you know?" Big questioned amazed, "uh, I had a bit of practice," Sonic says until Suzen bit his leg slightly "Ow, ok sorry da-alpha," the blue blur quickly corrected himself.
When Suzen huffed "You should always watch about what you say, young man, they're always vicious while pregnant," Julian says earning a growl from the wolf that was in front of his cart.

"Oh, she's pregnant?" Tails asked "Yup," Sonic replied while Leo looked a bit proud about the new pup or pups they were going to have added to the family.

"Sorry," he soon says fearing for his cart's safety "and you would want three chili dogs?" Julain asked "Yup," the blue blur replied with a smirk on his face until his ears perked up "Hold that thought," Sonic says before he does a light jog away.

"Wai-" Tails was cut off "I'll be back!" Sonic called out while running off as Blast followed him Suzen huffed a bit annoyed until Big took her 5 hot dogs and carefully placed them down.

Which she was very grateful for as she was able to start eating then Big received his hotdogs which he happily took and started eating them, as Julian then got Sonic's chili dogs ready before holding the plate out while humming a bit.
"Shouldn't you wait for him to return?" Rouge asked "he will give him a second," Julain says while Amy looked at Tails who nodded his head.

When Sonic ran over to grab his plate, "Thanks man, Alpha, Lunar, I got bad news same for you Julian," the blue blur says sheepishly as his ears lowered a bit.

Until he looked at his new friends "Oh, and you guys too," Sonic then said to which they all nodded their heads.
"What about?" Amy asked with a tilt of her head "Uh, well. You see, I made a quick run to my house and well...I no longer live there anymore," he says to which the group just looked at him when Leo whimpered at the news and Suzen looked at him.

Blast huffed before taking the note that Sonic was holding and went towards Leo to show off the note to allow him to read it "Yeah, something came up so, I'm moving. Agian," Sonic says "What-"

"But don't worry my new place isn't going to be far," he then added on quickly too which Tails and Amy sighed relieved.

"Why are you moving?" Big soon questioned with a frown on his face "Uh, well. It's a tough family issue," Sonic replied when Leo whimpered while looking up at Sonic who gave a sheepish smile at the wolf.
"Know what, how about we enjoy the rest of the day," he soon says "but you don't look so well Mr. Sonic," Cream chimed in worried about him.

"What about your uncle?" Julain asked though Sonic ignored him and just started eating his chili dog to which the man sighed and reached out petting the teen's head "Alright, understand, you know where I live anyway," he says, earning a nod from the blue blur.

Then after that, the others decided to drop the conversation and decided to just try and enjoy the rest of their hangout together.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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