He turns to Ila and looks at her for a moment. Jimin then rolls his eyes and walks away from the two.

"You need to stop this. I'm begging you." Ila tells Taehyung.

"Then become a vampire like us."


Taehyung shrugs, "Then you'll stay being a weak human."

"I've never slept with you and I never will, Taehyung. I love Jimin," Tears form in Ila's eyes and her voice wavers. "Please stop compelling me to not tell the truth and to say we're sleeping together."

-end of flashback-

The phone begins to ring like crazy, snapping Ila out of her thoughts. She blinks a few times before picking it up.

"Where are you?" Jimin asks sternly.

"Did you really think I was going to make it easy for you?" Ila chuckles and Jimin furrows his eyebrows. "I'm where it all ended."

Ila hangs up and Jimin punches the steering wheel. He thinks for a moment before he knows exactly where you two are.

-flashback, 1819-

Taehyung pulls his wrist away from her mouth and Ila wipes her lips of his blood.

"Forget I fed you my blood," Taehyung compels. "Now mess up your hair and go to Jimin. If he asks what you did or where you were, you know what to say."

Obliging, she slightly tousles her hair and walks out of Taehyung's bedroom. When she stands in front of Jimin's room, Ila knocks on the door. It swings open and a small gasp leaves her lips.

"W-What happened?" She asks, reaching out to cup Jimin's cheek, but he pulls away. "Jimin?"

"I'll heal," Jimin notices her disheveled hair. "Where were you?"

"With Taehyung." Ila forcefully replies and Jimin scoffs.

"Taehyung and I got into a fight. I almost killed him. I would've if Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung didn't stop me," He answers and tears swim in her eyes. "I can't be with you anymore, Ila."

"But why?" She questions softly.

"You're sleeping with my friend and me at the same time, Ila!" Jimin shouts at her and she flinches. "It's gone on long enough!"

"Jimin, I... I..."

"You what?"

Tears fall down Ila's cheeks as she tries to force herself to say the truth, but she couldn't. It just wouldn't come out.

"I'm sorry." She sobs.

Jimin shakes his head, "Get out of here. I never want to see you again."



Ila stares at Jimin for a short moment before she leaves. She runs out of their castle-like house, through the woods, and to the edge of the cliff where their house sat on.

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