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Dearest Reader,

I do hope you enjoyed this little chapter.

Some may even call it sappy, or lacking in the department of sketches. But this was a time where I learned many valuable lessons. Ones that made the worries to come much lighter on my shoulders, for a time.

I learned my place, and found my home. I found my spirit, though many could (and would) insist I already had plenty of spirit to go around. I hope you are ready to continue this journey; this story of not only my life, but others, too.

I sit here and relive my memories for these works, and hear the scratching of the pen as the chronicler works. Not all are pleasant things. But some, like Brazen and his first time with too much drink, are things that still burn brightly in my mind.

They compensate for the loss I found. The fears I still bury. They are a bright light in something darkened by shadows.

I was a child. A nitwit, as someone might say. And they were children with me. We were out to change the world, though we did not  know it.  We applied every ideal and skill we could, to shape the world to fit us. There was a time when we were a force of nature with good intentions—but you all know where those can lead.

I'll leave off my ramblings for now. It's nearly time for dinner.

Remember, emotion is many things. But never something you should bury. Do not be a drop of rain, when you can be a storm.

Katerin Moonshadow, 898 P.C

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