Chapter Seven: Sweet dreams.

Start from the beginning

 '' Oh shoot I almost forgot to ask!''  Y/N replied eyes wide. 

 '' I would love to come! I'll just have to let Soobin know.''

'' Yes please let him know this time, last time you nearly gave him a heart attack!'' 

Jimin raised an eyebrow leaning on his elbow.  '' Do tell.'' He said cheekily as Taehyung whined in protest.  

'' Well, Taehyung came over to play some board games a few months ago and stayed later than expected so I let him stay the night in the spare room. Well, this,''

Y/N pointed at Taehyung who hid his head in his arms embarrassed. 

'' Dummy forgot to give his grandfather a call and tell him he wouldn't be home and was staying the night, now I always put my phone on silent because I don't like being disturbed from sleep. So when I woke up I had sixty-SIXTY missed calls from Soobin.'' 

Jimin let out a loud laugh falling back in his chair crossing his arms and shaking his head.

'' I got in trouble after that too...''  Taehyung mumbled unhappily. 

'' Served you right.''    Y/N chuckled looking back over to Jimin. 

''  So Christmas eve right, that's about two days...I believe I get off work early so would you like me to bring anything.''  

She asked leaning on her elbow sipping her hot drink. 

Jimin hummed and shrugged.     '' Just a few snacks, a good friend of mine loves to cook and is quite good at it. His food is the best and he said he would be bringing a lot over so I think we are good.''  

Y/N nodded setting her empty mug down.  

'' K then I think I will bring some drinks, some sweet tea or something.'' 

Jimin nodded smiling.   '' Sounds good.'' 

Y/N paid for their things and thanked Jimin who smiled and waved it off. 

'' Tell Jungkook I say hello.'' Y/N said waving as she opened the door stepping out.

'' Will do, Nice meeting you Taehyhung!'' 

'' Same to you!'' 


'' Ok thank you Soobin, bye-bye!''

Y/N hung up turning to Taehyung.

'' Yes you can stay overnight but he needs you back early tomorrow morning k.''

'' Ok! thank you, your the best!''  

Taehyung gave her quick hug grinning.  

She rolled her eyes smiling walking into the kitchen and opened one of the cabinets grabbing some snacks and setting them on the counter. 

Taehyung took on of the small packets of spicy chips opened it and popped one into his mouth grinning.

'' Hey don't eat those yet, You haven't had a proper dinner.''  Y/N scolded. 

Taehyung pouted but none the less stuffed more chips into his mouth. 

'' Cant we just eat snacks tonight instead?''

Y/N sighed through her nose looking up at his pleading eyes before rolling her own.

'' Fine.''

Taehyung fist-pumped the air in victory grabbing more of the chip bags.

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