Hello, Stranger

969 9 14

Fontaine and Wexle were looking at a map.

"The sooner we get Helgan back, the better. She's no good at the estate, I tell you. Ludwig is so focused on Locket, he's forgotten everything else." Fontaine spoke up, tone full of worry.

"That's what we're for." Wexle spoke up, removing her eyes from the map and turning to Fontaine.

"Quite right dear girl, quite right. I only wish we could shed more light on this affair." Fontaine walked up, looking ahead. "First Hayden defects to Locket, Holly is missing and now (Y/N) is missing too." He was worried for (Y/N), for she was like a daughter to him. He looked down. "They're connected, I tell you. Locket must subtly be around this very city, I'm sure of it."

"I'm sure we'll figure it out." Wexle reassured him before turning back to the map before a thought came to mind. "When I was a Yolshen soldier, we often found that outlaws would hide far enough away to remain undetected, but close enough to observe. I think we've been looking at the wrong places." Wexle looked at the map.

Fontaine pondered over this before answering. "I see..."

Wexle flattened the map more. "Across the river Mercy, it's connected to Liverpool, while King's and Queen's way. Endless underground networks, and it's out of our territory."

"Dear Wexle, you maybe onto something!"

"But where would they place their roots?" Wexle questioned.

Fontaine was quick to summarize. "There's only ONE place big enough," he pointed and tapped on a area of the map. "The shipyard. Kevilard. It's the only place that rivals the docks. If she's setting of a spot, it's definitely that place."

A moment of silence before Fontaine broke it. "I say, fancy a detour?"

"We have a few hours." Wexle pipped up.


The scene changes to Shuck and Felicity playing chess. It was going well before Lucy came in and ruined everything.

"You can do MUCH better than her." Lucy waved off.

"Do better with who? I'm trapped in this house all day with no one to confide in!" Shuck hissed.

"You got me! And (Y-" Lucy was cut off by Shuck practically exploding.

"But who the fuck ARE you, Lucy?! I'm trapped in this house all day, been talking to the same faces for years! You torture Winifred, confuse Hyzenthlay, terrify Fleisher, and you only interact with me and Sullivan when your bored! It's like the world is your puzzle and we're all just pawns! And we're all just part of it, right?!"

Lucy didn't know what to say. She was silent before speaking up. "FINE."

"'Fine'?!" Shuck asked.

"Fine. Go after Felicity. She'll only run out on you. AGAIN. And what about (Y/N)?"

"WHAT ABOUT THAT USELESS SNIVELLING CUNT?!" Shuck exploded once more, eyes rolled back to his head as he got off the table and jumped down, back hooves thumping loudly as he panted.

Lucy looked at him even more shocked, that he would even call (Y/N) that. She saw how Dalton looked at her sister... Now he's throwing her away for someone else..... She couldn't help but wonder.... If that's how Felicity feels....

FENNAH: Ludwig x Reader (completed)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu