Top Brass: Shuck

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(In this, Shuck and Ludwig have there usual talk but than it quickly changes to then talking about (Y/N))

"Shuck. Long time."

"A year it's been. Why don't we talk more?"

"Because I find your personality to be annoying and void of all intrigue."

"And this is coming from you? Ludwig, if word could talk-"

"Your jokes are not appreciated here."

"My jokes aren't appreciated anywhere it seems." Well, the only one who loved his jokes was (Y/N), despite being oblivious to some.

"There is ONE joke of yours; a good one."

"What's that?"

"Lives Burg. 1577. Back in your days of bloodletting. You used to snatch people from their cobblestone words, prowl the coast of England's battered shores. You used to have an element of vigor about you. Now look at you've become: A JOKE. If I ever saw one."

"My blood letting days are behind me. And you know that would scare-" Shuck was cut off.

"RIGHT behind you."

"I'm not going back. If that's what it means being a joke about you, than fuck it. Hope you get a good long laugh out of it." (Y/N) never laughed at him.

"Except I'm not laughing.... We have been all around the world, Shuck." He could remember (Y/N) with them.

"We have...."


"I've formed a very low opinion of it."

"So, should the time declare itself, when no other option weaves its position, when the termites have burrowed too deep, why not take some of the vermin with you?"

"Because that would be the vermin taking ME with them." And he didn't want to leave his (Y/N) alone.

Ludwig sighs. "Shuck..."


Ludwig clears his throat. "That'll be all. Take care."

"You too. And Ludwig?"


"Don't do what Jones did." Shuck nearly left but Ludwig stopped him.

"How has (Y/N) been fairing while here?" He was curious how she's been...

"She's been doing great. Loves reading, so she's never bored. Enjoys sleeping a lot too, that little fluffball..." Shuck always loved (Y/N) sleeping on or against him, her little chest rising and falling...

"It wasn't easy smuggling her here..." Ludwig could remember that day, poor her was scared as he was of losing her.

"I know.... Which is eye it be best she stays here." Shuck then left to be with her...

FENNAH: Ludwig x Reader (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant