Chapter 6 : My wishlist

Start from the beginning

"so you remember the deal right ?'' he asked all ecxcited

"what deal ?" i questioned with furrowed eyebrows

"come on ,you told me that if i do my part of promise you'd do anything that i ask you to.Now it's your turn to complete your part of promise" he said

" yeah okay,but what am i supposed to do.Don't ask me to do the same thing you asked in the park " i said while placing a hand over my chest

"not of course baby i'm swayed i told you ."he said while laughing

"yeah watever .shoot what i'm i supposed to do?'' i rolled my eyes

" spend a full day with me" he snapped

"what !!no are you crazy i've work ,project,assignments.I can't give you an entire day" i said

"all these can wait. tommrow your day will be mine" he said proudly

"look chris it''s not my way.I will meet you for a few hours ,is that okay .we'll meet some other day for a long time"

he sighed and said" okay then few hours it is.That too would work"

"great then when and where shall we meet?" i asked in cheery voice

" 4 PM the same park we met that day" he replied with a smile which i could feel

"okay then see ya tommorow" i said

"wait i've to tell one more thing to you"he snapped

"what now?" i asked

"you have an amazing voice .It sounds really melodious on phone ,you know the kind of voice which reaches to the soul" he said

it hitted my nerve.

"yeah umm..thanks chris .I gotta go see you tommorow bye" i disconnected the phone without hearing his reply

i got a quick text from him immediately

your really cute .Sweet dreams melody. xx

i placed the phone on the desk and with a heavy heart i opened my cupboard and took out the black box that contains my secrets,memories,promises

I came to sit on my bed with the black box.I opened it and took out my dad's picture in the frame he gifted me on my 11th birthday and hugged it tightly as tight as i could.

"why you left me dad , why why why ?i'm alone without you dad.I know you always wanted your princess to be stong bu..but i can't.I promised myself that i'd give up all my desires ,aspirations,passion,music the day you left me.Because you wanted me to be just like you and i too dad..i too want be like you ,the best economist this world can ever have .I will live your dreams dad i promise.But you know it's now getting complicated for me ,i can't focus .I want a normal life ,i feel myself getting stiffled in all this, living like a nerd .I never wanted this life i wanted to be a rockstar ,but you see this is what i have got dad.It's all my fault and i'm paying for it.I wish i never wanted a teddy bear .But please dad pleaseee i promise i would never ask for a teddy bear again, i wouldn't be stubborn anymore, i even stopped celebrating my birthday dad, i promise,i promise. Please dad come back to me .I'm your princess you can never say no to me" i ended up curling upon my comforter while hugging dad's photo and drenching the comforter with my tears.

I then got up took out a photo album from the box that contained beautiful memories of my complete family.Me my dad and my mom .We were smiling in that one picture which was clicked on the grand opening of mom's cafe .Dad sat on the green seat behind the table that was covered with red table cover mom hugged dad from the back and i sat on dad's lap with his hands tightly circled around my belly and with one hand i gripped dad's hand and with another i treid catching mom's hand backward.This is my favourite picture .

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