Protecting Livy Part 2

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After all he hadn't wanted to play with her at all, but was forced to as Matter had insisted his sister play with them. He didn't regret what he had done, however as the story Matter told him repeated in his head Joshua was scared the ghost would think him to be her older brother and haunt him.

It was because of this thought that Joshua didn't want to get out of bed, what if that ghost lady is out there?

However having consumed four tall glasses of juice before bed, Joshua was in desperate need of the bathrooms.

Scared out of his wits, Joshua pulled the bedroom door open slightly and peaked his head outside. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary Joshua slowly made his way toward where Matter had said the bathroom was.

Please don't be real, please don't be real! Joshua pleaded repeatedly in his head.

Half way down the corridor, Joshua heard it.

The sound of furniture moving. Standing stalk still with his breath held, Joshua waited to see if he would hear the noise again, however nothing happened. So After standing there for a few seconds Joshua decided that he had simply imagined it.

So Joshua carried on forward, his heart rapidly beating within his chest as fear consumed his rationality.

Taking step,

After step,

After step Joshua moved closer and closer to the bathroom, however once again he heard something. The sound of glass breaking rung in Joshua's ear and before he could convince himself it was only his imagination he heard something more terrifying than anything his ever heard before.

The faint sound of crying.

Being closer to the bathroom than Matter's bedroom, Joshua rushed forward in an attempt to run away from what he thought was a ghost haunting him.

And just when he had thought he reached a place he would be safe, Something jumped out the shadows at him, causing Joshua to scream in fright, the shock having emptied his bladder before he could reach the bathroom.

Joshua fell to the floor as the lights were turned on and in front of him stood The two eldest Braverman boys, laughing at the boy who now sat on the ground with soiled pajamas.

Jason and Matter Braverman walked past the boy to stand next to their older brothers as they faced the boy with terrifying smiles on their faces.

"It's not so nice is it?" Jake asked the boy sarcastically "When your being laughed at"

It was after those words were spoken that Joshua understood what had happened. He had been made a fool of by these boys as vengeance for their sister.

"What are you going to do with the video?" Joshua asked in a trembling voice.

Matter's smirk was evil as he turned to his brother's and said "We should send it to everyone we know"

Jake snickered "have them send it to everyone they know"

"Until everyone in town's seen it" Ian continued on with a chuckle.

"N-no!"Joshua exclaimed terrified of what they were wanting to do.

"Or..."Jason trailed of stepping in front of his brothers. His brother's looking down on the boy who hurt little Livy.

"Or?"Joshua asked unsure of himself.

"Or you could apologize to My sister tomorrow and we keep the video in case you try anything else against her" Jason smiled menacingly.

The brother's honestly preferred the first option, sending the video to everyone they knew. However they had to consider Olivia's feelings, cause she would feel responsible if Joshua was bullied because of the video.

"Not a half assed apology either" Jake added, he was still much too upset over the incident.

"I-I'll apologize p-properly I swear!"Joshua stuttered and that the boy's all went to bed. Matter having lent a pair of pajama pants to Joshua reluctantly as not to be scolded by His mother n the morning.

Needless to say the boy had apologized profusely the next day, begging Olivia to forgive him in front of Jonathan and Marcia Braverman who both looked on angry at the boy who hurt their little angel, as he confessed to what he did.


Word count [1,185]

Hello my sunflowers,

As promised, I give you the 1K reads celebratory chapter which is a continuation of our 500 Reads chapter!

I know it's a little late, but hitting 1K this month was a huge surprise, so I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Finding Olivia Chapter 5 is going well and is ahead of my schedule so hopefully we will be seeing it in our notifications soon!

Happy happy reading and thank you so so much for all the support❤❤❤

And special thanks to;
Jules0161 my BCF
Uriel_Angel my big sis
47_Stars my big cuz

Until Next Time,

Finding Oliviaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن