[Five] For Nothing

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For the first time in history, the Online Horror Show was interrupted.

The judges covered their mouths. A couple of them bent down and threw up. Others couldn't keep their eyes away from the sickening, grisly mess.

The pinkish meat that came out of the lady's stomach—at the size of a pineapple—shook like it was having a seizure then stopped moving within two seconds.

The heavy lady wailed, "My baby," before she fell to her knees and held her stillborn child to her chest. An incoming bowling ball smashed her head, knocking her off the platform and triggering an explosion. Crimson drizzles dropped down followed by thuds of human parts—some tiny, some large.

The primary judge was thankful that they cut the broadcast before any of that sad ending to the fat lady and her child was aired. Otherwise, he would have lost more than just his audience.

Nonetheless, he was still furious.

He banged the table and fumed, "Goddamnit! How did no one knew she was pregnant?" He took a towel to wipe the disgust that appeared on his face in a form of sweat and saliva, then he added, "Who THE FUCK is responsible for this?"

Out of pure fear, the guards immediately pointed at one of them; a man who was shivering and cowering in a dark corner of the stadium.

The judge glared at him and said, "I will deal with you later."

The guard's face turned pale.

"For now," the judge announced. "Let's give our brave 3 contestants a 15-minutes break."

The boy, the skinny man, and the bulky guy were the ones left.

The judge ended his little speech with a smile to the coaches, despite his upset stomach. Then, a gunshot startled him. He turned his head to the corner where the guilty guard was standing and saw him drowning in his own blood.

The guard responsible for the lady's kidnapping killed himself.

The judge smirked and whispered to himself, "Smart choice."

The explosives were turned off and the break-time began. The contestants were pulled to the benches and were given food and water.

The boy's chest trembled when it rose and fell, as if he was choking on his breaths. He sent a desperate stare towards the approaching guard girl.

She avoided his glance and proceeded to guide him to the bench. The break followed the same routine—food, water, and a bottle.

The boy begged and cried, but everyone pretended that they didn't hear him. Then the discomfort in his chest set deeper. He wanted to run, escape, hide, if it weren't for the chains on his ankles. 

Fifteen minutes of absolute panic passed. It was time to stand on the platform again and endure the impact of the flying bowling balls.

Suddenly, the boy's demeanor changed. He stood up a new man. No more tears were shed. The boy took in a breath that filled him with power, anger, and courage. The courage to take matters into his own hands. The courage to do something about his situation, and they wouldn't be able to stop him.

The courage to take his own life.

The screens turned back on and the speaker announced:

"And we're back! Apologies for the technical glitch. Everything's up and running now, and I assure you, folks, that nothing's gonna interrupt this broadcast again."

As the remaining players were dragged back into their platforms, the speaker continued:

"All who bet on the fat lady, I'm sorry to tell you that you lost. And it was a brutal loss. Haha. Beautiful bloody scenery. Let's see a short montage of that death as we get our players ready."

When it was time to bring the boy to his platform, there was a hint of defiance in his walk. As he was merely a foot away from his position, the confident new version of the boy gave the guard girl a look full of spite, to which she tried to avoid. Then his stare shifted to the man behind the table. The anger in the boy's eyes sent shivers down the judge's spine.

The boy planted his feet on the platform without resisting this time.

When the other two players were placed and ready, the judge turned on the red buttons of the explosions underneath their feet. If any player left their ground, the explosions would be activated.

The boy absorbed one last breath of courage before he closed his eyes shut and did what he had to do. He balled his fists as he quickly stepped away from the platform.

His whole body was tense, awaiting his demise.

He waited for a second. He was supposed to explode, but nothing happened.

The boy exhaled. As soon as he opened his mouth, his breathing turned into panting. He slowly opened his eyes wide and examined his body to check if he was still in one piece. And he was.

What happened? the boy wondered before his gaze met with a devious smirk on his judge's face.

And underneath the judge's hand, he saw it; his button was switched off.

The judge crossed his arms and said to the boy, "It's too late to take the easy way out, boy." He sighed. "You see." He leaned forward and placed his arms on the table. "I figured you bastards will choose a quick death at some point." He tsked. "But I can't let you do that."

The boy shot a glare at the frizzy-haired man. If looks could kill, that judge would be dead by now.

The judge raised his hands up and announced:

"The show must go on!"

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That sick m*ther f*cker 😡

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