The Escape

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 I wanted to give up and drown. Yeah, I was happy I was married to Percy. But the weight of Chiron's death was crushing me. Everything hurt, and I knew that if we got out of here we would just have to face more problems. Just giving up, and sinking, would be so much easier.

But I was strong. And I wouldn't take the easy way out. I would fight. I would get out of here, and I would live my life with Percy. I was Mrs. Seaweed Brain. But, with Chrion gone, the dream of being with Percy didn't seem as exciting. Chiron had practically raised me- how could he actually be gone?

I looked towards Percy. My eyes stung from the river water, but I didn't notice. It was nothing compared to sadness over Chiron. It was like I was falling through a bottomless pit. Nothing felt real. Nothing except my sorrow.

Percy extended an arm, and closed his eyes. The water around me started to shift, and Percy grabbed my arm. Suddenly, the water moved. It was like it was being pulled away by a magnet. But, I knew It was Percy.

The river water moved away, until we in the back of the Cabin. It made a wall in front of us the Percy kept from crashing back down on us. I fell to my knees, and vomited.

"Hey, it's okay." Percy said, kneeling down and rubbing my back. His voice was shaking from crying, and he kept one hand stretched out towards the water, holding it back. "Everything will end up okay."

"But-" I began, but then I vomited again. I wiped my face with my arm, and sat up. "I- it won't be okay. We might g- get out of here. But Chiron-" I cried.

"I know. It's hard," Percy said, crying, "but you are strong. And we need to get out of here."

"I know." I wiped tears from my eyes and stood up. Percy did too, and he grabbed my hand. "We need to get to the cockpit, we can swim out through the window."

"Leave that to me" Percy said. He closed his eyes, and the water parted like the Red Sea, opening a path to the cockpit. "Once we get to the and out the window, grab on to me. I can swim up fast."

"Okay." I said, and we began to walk through the water. It was surreal, and frightening. I felt like the water would crash in on me. Percy and I held hands the whole way. When we got to the cabin where Chiron was, I looked at the other way, and stifled a sob. I tried to focus on the swirling water around us.

"Percy?" I said, my voice shaking.


"Why do you think we were attacked? This isn't just some random monster, it had to be planned." Percy and I had made a lot of enemies over the years. But it had to be someone who knew we were going to Rome, and someone who knew what jet we were taking.

"I don't know. The dracaenae wouldn't be acting alone, someone would have sent it." Percy looked down, thinking. "We'll figure out, but first, let's get out of here."

We walked into the cockpit, and I looked out the windshield into the Tiber. I took a deep breath.

"Just hold my hand, and I can swim to the top in seconds." said Percy, reaching out his hand. I took it, and held on tight. "You ready?" He asked. I wasn't. I wasn't ready for any of this. But, I nodded. We needed to get out.

I took a deep breath in, and Percy and I jumped. We were in open water, and Percy kicked away from the plane. I held his hand tight, and we swam up. Percy manipulated the water so it pushed us up faster. Everything was a blur, and I couldn't tell what was happening.

Then we broke the surface. I started to tread, and coughed up water. "Hey, you okay?" Percy asked, putting a hand on my cheek.

"Yeah." I responded, as I looked at our surroundings. We were in the middle of the Tiber, and people stared at us from the land. I looked down the river and saw the bridge, with the middle now collapsed. Chunks of stone floated in the water.

Mrs. Seaweed Brain- A Percabeth Story (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now