Chapter Nineteen: The Shrink

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"Jesus Billy, I told you to let me sleep, Keller kicked out-" William stopped speaking when his eyes met Kade's. All traces of sleepiness were gone, his face rigid, emotionless and standing at attention. It reminded Kade of his early days in the army.

"At ease, Mr. Biddeford. I have something to discuss with you. Do you mind dressing and coming with me?" Kade said. William nodded vigorously, closing the door and presumably rushing to put on clothes. The boy was certainly earnest. Hopefully, that would mean he'd agree to Kade's request.

          Biddeford was nervous as they walked to his office. Not that he had no reason to be. Kade hadn't said a word and the last time the recruits had been personally visited by the scholar, a mole had been captured and nearly killed. William was praying to anyone who would listen that he wasn't suspected. He hadn't done anything like that in his life. He'd joined Rainbow because he believed in the cause and wanted to purge the world of the White Mask threat. William found himself rather intimidated by the tall operator. While his professorial look was welcoming and open to some degree, it was his demeanor and the way he carried himself that told William he was a soldier before all else. Kade's office was simple yet neatly furbished, with many pictures, awards and artifacts from Kade's younger days hung all around the room. Kade took off his coat, hanging it on the coatrack and motioned for William to do the same. Once they were sitting across from each other at Kade's desk, steaming coffees in front of them, William finally dared to speak.

"Um...sir? If you don't mind me asking, why am I here?" he asked. Kade smiled, locking his hands together as he did so.

"A reasonable question, Specialist Biddeford. But introductions first, no? My name is Doctor Kade Summers, though Kade or Doctor Summers is fine. Is there a different title in which you'd like to be addressed?" William squirmed under Kade's gaze. He wasn't used to being spoken to so formerly. Not even his commanding officer had spoken to him in such a manner. It reminded him of the brief meeting he'd had with Director Six when he'd first arrived at Hereford.

" friends just call me Billy, if that's alright with you."

"Billy? Perfect. I'll get straight to the point, Billy. I was looking over your file and thought you would make a good candidate for Operational status. You are still looking to join the unit, yes?" William was struck speechless. He had submitted his resume as nothing more than a pipe dream. He'd been told by his commanding officers and more veteran recruits that his chance was slim to none.

"You want me, sir? I'll be honest, I didn't think you were the one that did these sorts of things. You know, recruitment and all." William babbled. Damnit, William! Just answer his questions and don't sound like a bumbling idiot while doing it!

"Perceptive, Billy. I was recently promoted to the head of the Psychology and Resource department, a position that was previously inhabited by Doctor Harishva. But yes, I do have an interest in you. The question is, will you indulge me?" Kade said. William sat back in his chair, taking a big sip of coffee. It would be a big jump, to go from simple recruit to a full-fledged Operator. No, it would be more than a big jump. A colossal leap, more like.

"Sir, how do you know I'm ready for that?" William was kicking himself, his mind screaming at him to say yes, but he just couldn't. Not with a good conscience. He had to know why Kade was so interested in recruiting him, of all people.

"You're not. Not in the slightest. But what you do have is something I've never seen before." Kade said cryptically. His straightforwardness stung but William couldn't be angered by it. His father had always told him that the truth hurt sometimes, you just had to step forward and accept it. Move on and try to be better. "Where did you learn to shoot, William?" William raised his eyebrows in surprise.

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