Chapter One: Beguiling Introductions

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It was a cold morning in Herefordshire, England. The fog was just lifting off the Malvern Hills, the sun rising just above them, making the snow shine like a dazzling diamond blanket. Unfortunately, the ever-beautiful Herefordshire was home to some rather grumpy operators this morning, as it was 5 am and Six had summoned them. Not all of them of course, but Ash, Thermite, Rook, Tachanka, Thatcher, Zofia, and Ela were envious of the comrades on base who lay snug in their beds. "It's almost the bloody witching hour." Thatcher said, yawning as he walked with the others towards the deputy director's building.

Thermite took a long drag of his coffee, which he had taken the liberty of adding some whiskey to, "Yeah, no kidding. The hell is Six calling us in for, anyway?" he wondered.

Tachanka laughed in the way he always did,

"Oh, you did not hear, comrade?! We are getting new operator!" he said.

Ela sighed, "Who said we needed the help." she said.

Zofia nudged her in a reprimanding manner, "New skills are always welcome here, what do they bring?" she asked.

Ela flashed her a look of annoyance, but couldn't do much more as Zofia softened, putting an arm around Ela's shoulder. Ela looked away, blushing. Ever since their enrollment in Rainbow, things had actually been improving between the sisters. They would still have their spats, but, they both seemed to desire to close the gap that a rocky childhood and time had created.

Ash swept her braid to the side, the rising sun shining off her aviators, "Good question Zo, Six hasn't told me jack. How about you, Julien, anything?" she said.

Rook only shook his head, his massive frame slightly shivering from the cold, wintery air. Thermite got to the front entrance first, holding the door open for his friends. He ogled Ash as she walked by, but, was cuffed on the head by Thatcher as he passed. Rook chuckled while the others smiled, mornings sucked, but moments like these made them bearable.

The operators stood at attention in front of Six's desk, awaiting her to reveal the supposed new comrade. "At ease, my operators." she said. They found different positions around the room, but Ash remained standing in front of Six.

"Not that I don't love seeing your face, director, but why are we here?" Thermite said.

Six smiled, "Inquisitive as always, Jordan. Today, we have a new operator." she said.

Tachanka grinned, "Da! They are Russian, no?".

"I'm sorry to disappoint, Alexandr, however, I find myself quite an enthusiast of your country's literature." Kade paused for a moment, coming out from behind the wall from the back of the office, "Hm... 'Man is a vile creature!...And vile is he who calls him vile for that.'" he quoted. "Oy! I like this man!" Tachanka exclaimed.

Ela narrowed her eyes, "Wait. How do you know his name?" she asked.

"Everyone, meet Kade Summers. Callsign, Professor." Six said.

Ash was starting to share a similar feeling of suspicion with Ela,

"What branch are you from?" Ash demanded.

"Oh, me? I'm from S.O.G." he said, a mischievous look in his eyes. Thermite dropped his thermos. Zofia gasped.

"You recruited a god damned spook?!" Thatcher exclaimed in protest.

Tachanka's grin faded into his mouth making an o shape, "I lied!" he said.

Ash walked right up to Kade, taking her aviators off. "How much do you know about us?" she asked coldly, searching his seemingly entertained face for something.

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