Chapter Three: Card Games and Operation Go, Go, Go!

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Ela woke that morning feeling more refreshed and optimistic than she had in years. She felt light and quick on her feet, and a warm feeling continued to pervade her chest as she took a shower and changed into some casual clothing. Due to her excessive training the previous evening, she decided she'd put off today's regiment for later in the evening, and decided instead, to go to the mess hall. There, she found a surprising sight. Fuze stood in front of Kade, offering him a handle of Vodka.
"I want to apologize for last night. It was unlike me. I am ashamed." Fuze said. Kade had a confused look on his face.

"Quite a change in demeanor from last night, are you alright, Shuhrat?" he asked in a concerned manner. Fuze began sputtering and muttering, before Kade took the handle of vodka and clapped him on the back,

"Apology accepted, comrade." he said. Tachanka, Jackal, and Lion cheered at this. The group, now including Fuze, had seemingly become fans of Kade overnight after their drinking and card games. Ela walked in, affectionately rubbing Fuze's shoulders.

"I'm proud of you, big guy." she said. The heavyset man blushed,

"Thank you." he said, going back to sit with his spetnaz squad mates. Ela took a seat next to Kade, who was already sitting with Thermite, Doc, and Rook.

"Oh? Do I see a budding romance, Dr. Summers?" Doc asked.

"Oh, damn! You two?!" Thermite said.

"Oh, wow." Rook said in shock. Kade wrapped his arm around her shoulder,

"We are what you could call, 'exploring'." he said. Ela blushed deeply while the men made heckling noises. She removed his arm and playfully punched his shoulder,

"Idiot." she said, going up to the front to find food. She piled a load of eggs on her plate, only for someone else to put bacon on her plate. IQ was standing next to her, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

"I've heard some rather, interesting news." she said. Ela could feel the heat on her face. At this point, she was going to be a tomato all day.

"Have you, now." Ela said, not looking at her, scooping some pineapple onto her quickly filling plate.

"Mm. vhat's more, I hear you and Kade are dating." IQ said into her ear.

"Dating?!" Ela exclaimed, making everyone zero in on the two women. Ela lowered her voice,

"No! It's not like that...not yet, anyway." she said. IQ's body language reflected incredible excitement,

"Ela! Is zhis your first boyfriend?" she asked excitedly. Ela huffed,

"He's not my boyfriend! But, this is the first time I've been...involved..with a man." she said. IQ squealed,

"Oh, I am so excited, you don't even know!" she said, getting out of range before Ela could kick her. This was not going to be an easy day, she already knew. She sat back down next to Kade, whom was being questioned by his newfound friends.

"So, what countries have you worked in, then?" Doc asked him.

"Well, let's see, over the course of my career, you mean?" he said. Doc nodded. The others listened intently as Kade pondered the thought.

"Nine years of service, would, if I remember correctly, equate to 135 countries." he said. Thermite whistled.

"Damn Doctor, you've been busy." Rook said. Kade laughed,

"Oh, just as much as anyone else, I'd say.". Jackal had also joined them, he leaned forward,

"What about your family? You have one, right?" he asked. Ela froze. She remembered his reaction the last time she had asked him that question.

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