Kade Summers Character Profile

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Name: Kade "Professor" Summers

Date of Birth: February 5th, 1973

Place of Birth: Addison, Maine

Affiliation: S.O.G's

Height: 1.92 m

Weight: 82.5 kg

Eye Color: Gray

Hair Color: Black, peppered with blonde, a blonde streak on the left side.

Unique Ability: "Reading". If given the context of the situation (where the building is, what kind of building it is, the hostiles inside the building, their purpose, the overall nature of the situation, etc.) then he can predict with a near 100% success rate the best course of action that will result in the least number of damage/casualties.


Kade showed early on that his intelligence was far above his peers. By the time Kade arrived to fifth grade (1979), it was realized that the small New England coastal town could not provide the resources for his education, so he was sent to the number one school in Massachusetts, Boston Latin School. Kade graduated high-school at the age of 14 (1987), then got a full ride scholarship to study English and Education at Harvard just a year later (1988). He'd always had a deep love for books and literature; particularly books and other associated documents written in times of war. That love was shown clearly shown in the few papers he had published while at Harvard (see, "The Confluence of the Wartime Mind and Literature"). Though, a tragic event known as (redacted), changed his direction in life. He finally finished his time in Harvard at (1998) with a Doctorate in post-secondary and Adult Education, a Doctorate in English Language arts, and because of (redacted) a Master degree in Military History and another Master degree in Psychology, the subsets of his degree including Clinical Psychology, Forensic Psychology, and Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology. Kade had accepted a professorial appointment at the Metropolitan College of New York. When asked why he chose Metropolitan over many other, more prestigious schools, he claimed, "For people such as I, this city has the most alluring aesthetic and human spirit known to man". Then, after only 3 years of teaching, 9/11 happened. Being as Metropolitan College is only 1 mile away from the World Trade Center, the event had a profound effect on Kade. Due to 9/11 and the trauma from (redacted), he enlisted in the U.S army (2001). Much to his comrade's apparent dismay, Kade showed exceptional aptitude when it came to combat, earning several accolades of bravery and valor as he worked his way up to the rank of Sergeant Major during his deployment in Afghanistan (2007). The Marines took notice of Kade, picking him up for more specialized missions, which, Kade excelled in. Not only were his combat skills exemplary, but his tactical skills were on par with close to no one. His time with the Marines ended when he reached the rank of Corporal (2009), to where the CIA recruited him for the ominous Special Operations Group, or "S.O.G". He's been there ever since doing anything from (redacted) to (redacted) and when Six was notified of his existence, he was flown to Herefordshire, England almost immediately.

*Note: Kade Summers is the first operator recruited that is affiliated with any intelligence agency, therefore, special exceptions were made due to his extraordinary ability. Needless to say, the C.I.A won't be meddling in any of Rainbow's Operations.

Psychological Profile:


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