Chapter 7: Operation Entrapment

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Kade was standing in his backyard, it was 1981. He and his father were playing catch. It was fall, the leaves were all manners of yellows, oranges, and reds. They made a crisp crunching sound every time Kade moved to catch the ball. His father's face was strange, however. It didn't show all the joy and warm feelings associated when one thinks of a father playing catch with his son. His face betrayed no emotion as he watched Kade like a predator observing its prey. It was like the world stopped when the ball hit the ground. Kade had failed to catch it. Kade's father strode over to him, brusquely seizing Kade by the arm. Kade began to whimper as he was dragged down the basement steps. Using a belt, his father secured Kade's arm to his workbench. Kade began to cry out and beg him to stop when father picked up the tire iron. His black, soulless eyes killed any hope Kade had about his father showing mercy.

"We Summer's don't make mistakes, son." he said gruffly. A half empty bottle of Vodka sat on a nearby bench.

"I-I won't drop it again father, please don't." Kade begged, tears beginning to dust his wide grey eyes. Kade's father nodded,

"After this, I know you won't." he said. He brought the tire iron down. There was a crunch. Kade screamed in pain.

Kade awoke with a start, clutching his left arm. Ela looked at him with slight concern,

"Are you okay, Professor?" Ela asked. They were in military grade SUV, rolling towards the target White Mask location. It seems Kade had fallen asleep. Kade cleared his throat, sitting up.

"Yes, fine. What's our ETA?" he asked.

"Ten minutes, sir." the recruit driving replied. Kade glanced at the rearview. The other car carrying the remaining operators was following them without issue. Kade was with Glaz, IQ and Ela in his car.

"Your sleep seemed troubled." Ela noted with a frown. Kade shook his head,

"Just a bad dream. No need to worry. Did you read over the documents, Glaz?" Kade said, changing the subject deftly.

"Yes, comrade. Your six will be covered." Glaz reassured. Kade held a finger to his earpiece.

"This is Professor. Team 2, are you ready? ETA is estimated at 10 minutes." Kade said. Blackbeard answered, the elected leader of Team 2, answered.

"Locked and loaded, Professor. Gonna have some fun!" Blackbeard said happily. Kade chuckled and shook his head,

"Save the cheer for after the operation. Remember, quick and quiet is the key to our success." Kade reminded. Blackbeard only laughed before the radio went dead.

"He's something else, zhat's certain" IQ remarked. Ela smirked,

"Yeah, you've been getting to know that in more ways than one, eh?" she teased. IQ swatted her arm. Kade then touched his earpiece again.

"Overwatch, how's our radio signal? We're about ten klicks out." Kade reported.

"We hear you loud and clear professor, we'll let you know if anything changes." Overwatch, or better known around base as Charlie, replied. Kade hadn't met Charlie yet, but he was regarded highly amongst the operators. Charlie had been running overwatch and radio support on operations for all of his military career and had been at it at Rainbow base for almost a decade. He had the experience and fortitude of a veteran, something Kade deeply valued. The driver then spoke up.

"ETA about three minutes, check weapons, Operators.". Kade ran is hands over his SDM-R, checking his magazine, stock, barrel, and sight before doing the same with his pistol. Ela checked her Scorpion and sidearm, while IQ mirrored her with her G8A1 and pistol. All their weapons were equipped with silencers, including Glaz's distinct sniper rifle, which he checked carefully and lovingly. Kade looked up from his rifle to see his comrades looking at him. Their weapons were all spray painted white with flecks of black and grey in order to blend in with the surrounding environment.

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