Chapter Twenty-Five: Subterfuge

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0900 Hours

March 16th, 2018

Herefordshire, England

Hereford Base, Car Lot

Kade strode across the complex in the chilly morning air, humming softly to himself as he made his way towards the infirmary. Ela had awoken with his alarm with a slight hangover, gave him a good morning kiss with closed, sleepy eyes and murmured that she would take care of the mess when she would clean the mess from the party the previous night. Kade had felt a pang of guilt but quickly buried it. She was simply lightening the load as his schedule for the day was full while she, on the other hand, was mostly free. Anna was there to greet him in the reception area.

"Good morning, Kade. Robbie and I had a lot of fun last night. How are you feeling this morning?"

"Good. Really good, actually. Better than I've felt in a while. Which is equal parts welcome and worrying, I think," Kade said. Anna laughed as she led him to Doc.

"I think to most it would be. The one thing you can be sure of is that the Doctor won't rest until he's found some answers for you," she reassured. Kade could feel good about that. He felt fine right now, which was good, but it would be better if he had a clearer picture of what his new condition might look like looking forward.

The first part of Doc's diagnostic test was by far the most boring. A list of questions that seemed to go on forever was thrown Kade's way, almost all of which he said no to except for the occasional yes. It was as painful as it was necessary. Though, being in the military tedious and laborious things such as this were often par for the course. Next was a full course in the realm of vitals, Doc running Kade through a gauntlet of a fitness test to get a full baseline started. Finally, Doc took some samples directly from Kade's arms to see what the blood work up would tell them. Doc walked him to the reception area.

"I must thank you, Kade. This mystery of yours allows me to do some work in the medical field I haven't had the chance to in a long time. It's nice, feeling like a doctor again," Doc said, offering his hand for a shake. Kade shook it firmly.

"Of course, Gustav. I trust the words of professionals. Same time tomorrow?" Doc nodded.

"Yes, but don't worry, it won't be as involved as today's test. You have my word on that."


The second thing on his agenda was a joint interview with operator candidates Sanaa El Matoub and Jalal El Fassi. One was a product of the Fortress, based in Morocco while the other was the leader of it. Kade had been given all the relevant documentation on the two, surprised to see that Rainbow had asked Fassi to join multiple times. He headed to his office, the place feeling cold and empty after he'd been away from it for so long. He had roughly twenty minutes before they arrived. He pulled up the emails he'd received on the two candidates with all their paperwork and credentials and printed them to the small personal printer he'd inherited from Harry. Compared to the small, cramped office he'd had bat Metropolitan back during his professorship his new office was quite the upgrade. It had double the floor space with a smooth oak and dark steel finish that spoke to Kade's simple but refined taste. Just as he'd laid out all the paperwork, there was a knock at his door. One of the recruits opened it, the two Moroccan operators making their way inside. Kade walked to them, his hand outstretched.

"Mr. Fassi, Miss Matoub, a pleasure to meet you both. I'm Doctor Kade Summers, resident behavioral psychologist, registered therapist, and operator from the Rainbow Six Counter-Terrorism Initiative. Please, take a seat," he said, gesturing to the two chairs facing forward to his desk. They sat, Jalal looking straight at Kade while Sanaa's gaze wandered around the room.

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