"No way. I'm sure she just wanted some normal food after eating his burnt and uncooked creations." She snorted before looking away at the window beside her.

The crescent moon stood high against the matted blue realm speckled with wisps of cloud. It gave a high and solid warning that the teacher they had would probably blast the earth like he did with the moon if he wasn't assassinated soon enough. Kayano must've been thinking the same thing since her waves wavered a bit and Nagisa placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. We'll kill him before the deadline." Her wave smoothed itself out and she lifted her golden gaze from the sky to him again with a bright smile.

"Yeah, I'm sure."


If someone directed Nagisa to describe Kayano, he'd use words such as lively, cheerful, always so optimistic about moving forward and living her life, but he'd never thought that the word 'elusive' would be the best one. Wasn't she always looking for shadows to hide in? Changing the topic from her to the person next to her so fast and seamlessly, Nagisa'd never thought of her as a suspicious person.

No matter how less his presence was, it did cast a shadow behind him when the spotlight was on him, didn't it? It was what Kayano had always been doing. Shifting the limelight to him and hiding behind the shadow it casted to hide her real intentions and her true desires. Such shifty motives, and that too without any sort of answer.

It was a wonder that she'd managed to do all that by hiding her own bloodthirsty intents behind the venner of a syrup sweet girl and that too without being noticed. Nagisa himself couldn't recognize those eyes when he finally got a glimpse of the girl within and it was scary. Kayano was scary, not because of the tentacles but the drive which she had. It reminded Nagisa of the previous him- the him that had been so naïve as to think that sacrificing was worth it because life was disposable when it wasn't.

Kayano- no, Yukimura-san had friends that cared for her, that wanted to know why she had addressed Koro-sensei as a murderer and why Koro-sensei seemed so very struck upon realizing what she'd meant. What did she actually mean? Kayano was actually the little sister of the kind teacher of not a long ago. The one who faded away from their lives soon to come back even more intense than before, but as an idea than a whole.

Nagisa was especially conflicted. How could he not be when one of his closest friend turned out to be someone who wasn't even genuine? Not that he suspected her of pretending to be happy when she was in E-class, but there were times when she felt off like the spontaneous 'pudding popping project'. She might've faked a personality, but it didn't mean that she was in genuine all the time! But Nagisa couldn't even be sure anymore, all he really knew was he hoped that she hadn't put up an act when they went through all that together.

"Kayano! Stop it! Sacrificing yourself isn't worth the assassination!" He yelled, but the others had held him tight so he couldn't think of reaching out.

Not that he really could. The fight was way too dangerous for simple humans like themselves who were frail to the many swipes of the fiery tentacles. He couldn't even see the fight well because of the speed but all he knew was he needed to get her out of that- needed to make her realize that the kind of bloodlust she had could do nothing but destroy at the current state.

"Students! I need someone to distract her while I pull the tentacles off her." Koro-sensei frantically said through a clone of his face, and the class immediately began brainstorming.

Couldn't they do anything too help? Despite being human, they had their own set of skills to at the very least ease the attacks and calm Kayano down enough to make the rational part of her listen. He knew that she was still there fighting for what she thought was precious. He couldn't just leave it at that!

Guns and knives really were of no use at a battle of mentality. He needed something that could put the point across without harming her or getting themselves harmed. The clap stunner passed through his mind briefly, but he possible couldn't with the wildness of her wave of consciousness. He could never find a stable place to aim, what could he do?

His eyes widened, he did have a secret skill. But could he really execute it properly? There was only one way to find out.

"Nagisa-kun!" He heard Sugino shout, but he steadied himself and stood in front of a bound Kayano.

Her eyes barely resembled the person he knew.. He already knew that she had been acting, but he was sure that her eyes weren't as murky as these ones. She struggled against Koro-sensei's hold and gritted her teeth like a prowling wild animal. Nagisa knew there still was some part of her that didn't want to kill Koro-sensei so manically.

"Idiot!" Karma hissed from the back, and he could almost feel their anticipation brimming over.

Not wasting another second, he swooped in and pressed his lips right onto hers. The world had been blanked out- this was an assassination he needed to carry out perfectly. Irina-sensei had taught them enough that he knew how to. This kiss was an attack, the unexpected one that would surely be enough to draw her attention away.

It was unacceptable that Kayano really just had been acting, he couldn't accept that! She was one of his closest friend and he knew a real smile when he saw one. In the end, she was just one of them- a lost child searching for a stable aim to hang onto. The kind of fixation she had reminded him of himself when he jumped in the suicide bombing attempt. He knew he had been wrong, just to make sure that she didn't wander off like he almost did.

After she had finally slumped over, he held her by the back and looked up at Koro-sensei, "Was that okay?"

"Absolutely! Perfect scores, Nagisa-kun! Now let me take these out and she'll be just fine." He reassured while working his tentacles on pulling the tendrils out of her.

Nagisa really hoped she would turned out fine. She always did before, she had to. Also, Koro-sensei owed them an explanation. Despite the confusion, they'd been willing to come together because Kayano was their friend, now they really wanted him to explain himself, so that they could understand how he came to be the creature he was right now.

Once Kayano woke up, the girls fretted over her and the boys really were concerned too. The tentacles were almost sentient, Nagisa realized then, the bloodlust she held back then just got multiplied and mixed by the tentacles until it wasn't her bloodlust anymore. By the time she realized, the tentacles had her captured and had corroded her brain.

The sorrow and regrets she expressed came down as tears which were some of the most genuine things he'd ever seen on her. He was glad that she was alright. That was all that mattered
"It all started.." Koro-sensei began explaining himself and this time the class as a whole could listen.

Qotc: Do you like Kayano?

Ahh.. I love her so much, maybe even more than Karma because have you seen how she had been characterized? Until the part she suddenly got a crush on Nagisa not just because I'm a karmagisa shipper, but she was put aside as a love interest character. What the hell, Matsui? Y u do her so dirty? Ψ('▽`)Ψ

(Though I'll be blunt, I can't love any character as much as Nagisa-)

The next chapter? Idk, but I have a brief idea how I'm gonna write it out.


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