Chapter 10 : Bordering Despair

Start from the beginning

"You okay?" He asked, his solicitude was written in bold over his face.

She was now analyzing her hand. "Seems like something poked badly." 

He immediately held her arm, "where?" 

Anika was flummoxed, and rubbed a spot. He looked closely. "To the doctor's cabin now." He ordered in panic looking over her shoulder at the guards. "I have a feeling she was pricked with something poisonous, I want one of  you to follow that crowd of people now." He barked. "Anika, quick." He vocalized holding her arm in a tight grip just below her elbow. 

"Shivaay, it might be nothing. You're overthinking." She argued as she felt nothing abnormal. He paid no heed and was already tightly tying his handkerchief tightly to stop blood circulation. "Walk fast, damn it." He hollered almost jogging beside her. Anika hastened her steps.

* * *

"I have sent the blood we extracted to the lab for examination. Shivaay, it could be nothing. There were no symptoms yet you..."

"It's happened with me before. I wouldn't want it happening to her. It's just a hunch." Shivaay stated restlessly tapping his foot. His mind was running at the speed of light. 

"Devil's cherry." Shivaay said aloud, "that was the common name of the poison, the doctor who had treated me then, had used. Ask the lab assistants to test her blood for that. And ...are you sure she doesn't need any chemicals to counter that?" He asked frantically. He still remembered how his chest pain wouldn't come down. He was in the hospital for a freaking week.

"Shivaay, relax!" The doctor exclaimed in a slightly dominating demeanor. "She's okay. I understand that whatever has been happening in the past few days has been hard on you but you need to calm down. " Shivaay sat back in his chair while the doctor made the call to the lab.

* * *

Shivaay was exhausted with the happenings. Moreover, the environment of the hospital made him feel more sick. The smell of chemicals and the constant beeping sounds coming from the surrounding was giving him a headache. 

His fear was proved right. Anika's blood did show traces of the poison. It only made Shivaay feel horrible. Yet another attack on him had been directed to Anika. The police was looking into the matter. The premises was being searched for any possible clue. Two inspectors had brought in some lunch for them from outside the hospital. He walked into the room they had been given and shut the door. He walked upto the bed where she sat. "Are you okay?" He asked opening the packet of food.

"Hmm." Was all he got for response.

 "I am sorry Anika. Really sorry." He exhaled sharply looking at her helplessly. She glanced at him and then at the food. She was surprised to see the aloo puri. 

"Eat." He said and turned away from her and sat on the couch. His attention on his mobile. Anika silently ate. What kind of game was fate playing? Was she his savior or he her knight in shining armor? Had he not had the presence of mind and that hunch at the moment maybe she wouldn't have lived long enough to be eating aloo puri. Perhaps the score was settled now. 

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