Chapter 30 : Broken Hearts

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"There was no point of keeping those factories, Daadi. Dad and I discussed before selling them off for good. I know they have been a source of income for our family since a very long time. But in business, one can't think with heart, and anyway over the time the factories had started demanding way too much maintenance."

"I trust you business decisions, Billu. But what about the workers, will they lose their job? You need to understand Billu that our business doesn't just run our family but so many other families."

"Daadi, everything about the factories stays the same. It's just the ownership that has changed. Just that from henceforth the decisions about those factories will be the responsibility of the respective new owners." Shivaay said patting the cushion and placing it correctly on the bed.

"You didn't miss home?" 

"Of course I missed home, Daadi. How can I not miss you all? You know for me work comes second and family first. However this had been a long pending task. Also, had starting becoming a constant source of stress for dad. It's good that I have wrapped up most of it. There's this one factory that we have planned to bring down and then sell the land and the machinery off separately. Before you ask, the workers of that factory have received two month's salary in advance and have also been given certificates so that they will easily get a good job."

He smiled when he saw his grandmother's smile and her eyes twinkle. 

"I am so proud of you Billu, I am sure if your Daadu was here, he would be too."

Shivaay's grin broadened. A knock was heard, and the two looked towards the door. 

"Oh, Anika. The door is open, you should just walk in." Daadi said looking towards the doorway. 

Shivaay's eyes met hers and she quickly looked away. He held back his smile. He noticed that she had blow-dried her hair and changed into a pink kurti with salwar. However the tips of her hair were still wet. She looked beautiful, nonetheless. The pleated trousers and tailored dresses suited her way more than the ones she wore previously.

"Come on here, sit."

Anika quietly walked in and sat beside Daadi, where she had the patted the mattress. "You had called..." Anika said softly ignoring the gaze of the man who sat across from her on the same bed.

"Do you still want the divorce Anika?" 

Daadi's question caused the nervousness to fade away from Anika's face  while it wiped the ghost of smile from Shivaay's.

"Daadi, why?" She muttered glancing at Shivaay. Did he change his decision now? What was wrong with this man? What did he think she was? Was she some sort of button he'd push on and off as and when he liked? She could now understand his sudden closeness. 

"I just thought to ask." Daadi said.

Anika turned and looked at her doubtfully.

"Nothing changed Daadi." She said with a strong resolve. 

"Okay." The older lady replied softly, taking a pregnant pause. "I called you two here because I want you to stay like a normal couple, at least in front of Rudra's in-laws and guests. I understand that you two want to separate. But till the divorce happens, I would appreciate if you both stayed like a couple despite your differences. We have Saumya's mother an grandma staying over. I wouldn't want them to raise any questions on any member of this family or this family in general."

"I understand Daadi." Shivaay replied placing his hand on his grandmother's reassuringly.

"Okay," Anika said quietly, not bothering to even look at the man. He reeked of selfishness. 

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