Email: The last

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Secret email correspondence:

So.... this could just be the full moon or whatever and I'm sorry to do this, but I think it's time for this communication to stop.

I am trying to be the best me I can be and I don't think this, whatever this box is, helps.

I am a non-entity in your life.

I'm not someone you can care about, or talk about. I often think it must suck for you- but god- I'm selfishly thinking how it sucks worst for me!

I'm now single, not due entirely to the acts of secretive two year affair (2015-2017), but if we can't be friends out in the open-- what are we even doing?

I don't want to hurt you, but I can't see how this can continue.

I was willing to give everything up for you. You didn't reciprocate. Either your couldn't, or didn't. I think you tried. Maybe? And I am not going to ask you to give anything up. but two years turned to 5 and this is... nothing.

I just I don't get it.

I'm sorry I ever lead you on, or asked anything of you that you couldn't give. I knew it was a mistake at the time. That me talking to a man that I admired for a long time was a mistake.

I knew I would get attached. I always get attached. I cannot NOT fall in love.

I've always wanted someone to love me the way I feel for others (you). And I think I'm ready to be that person for myself. I will love me.

I am not asking anything of you except to let me go.

And ...if anything ever changes... Might we, could we be at least friends? If so, at that time -please contact me.

I care about you. You must know that, but this isn't working for either of us.

Take care. Please take care. All my wishes, prayers, good thoughts, shooting stars, dandelion dreams-- they are for you. For you safe and whole and brave and one day mine.



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