Hot Summer Nights

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You were nothing special to me. I knew you. We spoke. You were adjacent and off to the side of the main characters. I suppose people see me that way, too.

One day I noticed you had beautiful legs.

I know, that's such a silly thing to notice.

But soon I looked forward to warmer weather. I waited patiently through the occasional winter visits for the sunshine that brought shorts with regularity.

One night you came over and crawled around on the floor with the cats and I think my heart warmed to you. You wanted to play and pet and I saw a person who had a good heart. The beautiful legs were attached to a warm person.

Mistakes were made and I caught feelings somewhere between the tequila and the vodka shots. The secret sips of a shared cup of whisky and coke and you teasing I was your drinking Buddy. Mistakes were made. My heart catches feels so easily. This was a mistake.

When you hugged me goodbye. I am a terrible hugger. Over quick is my method. But you held on and recaptured me and held me close. My arms, never knowing where to go caught you around your hips as you pulled me closer. And your lips on my cheek. Probably meant nothing. Definitely meant nothing. But I have thought of nothing but that moment.

It meant nothing Itell myself as I wake up in the morning. As I brush my teeth. As I cook breakfast and feel your arms around me. I repeat this mantra of nothing to myself throughout the day. As I relive this moment on repeat I can feel my arms around you and wish I'd held on another moment. And wonder when I might touch you again.

I don't know what I would even talk to you about. But hadn't I always picture silence and snuggles and movies. Do I need philosophy and dreams? Isn't your warm body enough?

No. This is nothing I say to myself, but oh how I want you.

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