The Most Recent Text

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"I want to redeem my free coffee with you... sometime."

Your text comes completely out of the blue. Your name doesn't show up on my phone. Just an emoji. I was laying in bed thinking of my daily tasks and errands then there you were. As if we always texted. It's such a foreign concept to me I don't know if I should text you out of the blue or just wait for you to contact me. But I respond to your current text that yes, I owe you a coffee and maybe we could meet this weekend.

"It doesn't have to be the weekend. Lots to share. Lots to talk about"

I can hear your accent through the text. I can always hear your voice. I wonder what you have planned. I wonder where we will go. I wonder many things. And I think back to our last venture out. It wasn't like I imagined. And I did try to hold on to our meeting. Much like I imagined, I squirreled away portions. 

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