You: You don't have to do this.

She swings at your stomach, you dodge backwards.

You: We can find a way out and go find the Richmond group.

She tries a hook with her left arm, it's her weak arm. You duck under it.

You: Athena!

Athena: Shut up and play along you fucking dumbass.

You: What?

She lands her punch in your gut with her left hand. It doesn't hurt very bad, but you take her words in and make it look like you're in pain. There are a few cheers from the people around you. Athena kicks you in the chest as you try to recover. You stumble backwards to the edge of the oval. You feel someone spit on you.

Deimos: Spread out and make the arena larger!

The people next to you start to disperse leaving a giant hole in them. Athena Hurries over to you and grabs you.

Athena: Now is our chance.

She pulls you along, supporting you a tiny amount, but enough to take some pressure off your leg. You run through the small opening in the crowd of people and you can hear the gasps from the citizens. You can barely hear Deimos screaming over them but can't make out what he's saying.

The two of you run through the community to the largest building. People behind you have begun giving chase.

Athena: Let's find a place to hide inside and wait for a good time to get out.

You: Awful idea.

Athena: You got a better one?

You: Yeah, help me kill Heracles back at the factory and not come back here.

Athena: I panicked.

You: Yeah whatever.

You enter the building and help Athena block the door to slow them down. The two of you quickly move to the meeting room.

You: This is an awful hiding spot.

Athena: Ate is the only one who knows there is a secret room in here.

You: There's a what?

Athena: Ate has a secret room.

You: Hu, thats not surprising honestly

Athena walks up to the wall and pushes the fake wall open. It rotates and reveals a small little room. The two of you enter and it closes behind you.

You: How do you know this was here?

Athena: I was watching her one day and she opened it.

You: That's not creepy at all.

There's an awkward silence as you listen to the shouting and footsteps outside as people search for you.

You: So, why'd you do it?

Athena: I don't know.

You: That's bullshit.

Athena: I just didn't want to get caught.

You: I had a gun aimed at Heracles' head.

Athena: They would've found us eventually.

You: So, what? We're their main fighters, and with Heracles dead, they would have no one.

Athena: They have a very large community that does their bidding.

You: We would have dealt with it. You didn't have to fuck me over.

Athena: I realize that.

You: You really just fucked me over a lot in this situation.

Athena: Yeah, I know.

You: You stopped me from making this all easier on us, messed up my leg, got me trapped in the middle of a large community-

Athena: Yeah, yeah, I get it.

You: I really hope you have a plan.

Athena: Not really.

You: Fucking great.

Athena: We're going to wing it.

You: I wish you were more decisive.

Athena: Blow me.

You: We'll work on your decision-making skills when we escape.

Athena: We've taken bigger.

You: No, we haven't.

Athena: No, we haven't. But thats ok.

You: Wheres my hat?

Athena: I took it off and gave it to Clementine.

You: Shes going to be pissed at you.

Athena: Yep. So are the rest of them.

You: Im glad Im not you. Youve managed to make enemies with both sides.

Athena: Shhh...

Theres suddenly a lot of noise outside the room.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now