Sometimes, Gandalf gives the worst advice, ever.

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(A/n: trigger warning: description of getting/feeling v v sick including throwing up, that's all. Enjoy :P)

The forest was dark, and cold, and suffocating. It felt as if there wasn't enough air, and no matter how deeply you breathed, or how hard you tried, you were still out of breath.

The trees were not of naturalistic beauty or grace. Black was their bark that looked so dry it would snap like twig if a bird's feather rested upon it for even a second. There were no leaves, no green ones at least. The leaves blocking the sunlight at the treetops were all brown, orange and drained dry of life.

"The path turns this way," it was hard to distinguish black mud and rock from travel worn stone when it was buried under blankets of dead leaves and other vegetation. The company walked in a single file line to all fit on the narrow path and not loose members. Thorin, Dwalin and Balin were the first three at the head of the group. Amaris was near the middle with Bilbo and the younger dwarves. After a few hours of trekking, the effects were beginning to take hold of them.

"Air. I need air," gasped Bofur. Everyone else murmured their agreements for they, too, were beginning to feel dizzy and sick. But none compared the state Amaris was in.

She was miserable. Her head was spinning to the point of swaying and tripping every few minutes. She had a splitting headache that threatened to blank out her vision many a time, not that it was of much use. Her eyes were dim, empty and unfocused and only provided her with a progressively blurrier interpretation of her surroundings. Her skin, normally warm ivory in tone dotted with innumerable amounts of freckled constellations was now a ghostly ashen pale, drained of life like the forest around her. Even the thousands of coppery stars that covered her body seemed dim and lifeless. Rosy flushed cheeks were turning pale green and bags of purple hung under empty eyes. Her skin was sticky and shimmering with layers of cold sweat. A shiver wracked her spine every now and then, she was so cold. Se wanted to bury herself under piles on the thickest blankets in front of the warmest of fires. But her skin felt as if she had magma in veins instead of blood.

She did her best to hide her sickened state as to not slow the company's pace with worry. At least, that was until the coughing started.

A pang of nausea hit her causing her dizziness to increase alarmingly resulting in a trip, then a stumble and then grabbing a nearby tree branch for support. She brought her hand up to her taintless lips as rough hacking coughs racked her entire body with such violence that she feared she'd find blood on her palm if she removed it from her mouth. She only had time worry about it for three second before her stomach gave a horrific lurch. The back of her throat burned at the acidity of the bile attempting pour itself out of her mouth as she tasted its bitterness on her tongue.

By this time, she had already caught the company's attention who were now looking at her and mumbling to each other with worry and alarm. Amaris flung her head to the side of the path as she lost the battle of keeping her food down as her stomach emptied itself onto the forest floor until it left her dry heaving on her knees as Bofur and Dori clambered to hold her hair. After the episode ended she tipped backwards to sit on path on her knees with heaving chest, sweat clad pale face and eyes screwed tight in anguish.


"What's wrong wit'er?"

"I dunnow, my head's spinnin' to much for me te think!"

"Someone get Oin!"

"Oin! Oin over here! Oin, pick. Up. Your blasted ear horn and get over 'ere quick, auntie needs help!"

"Thorin what do we do?"

"Wha-What's wrong with her? Why is she sick?!"

Thorin said nothing as he watched the snarkiest, most sarcastic and bullheaded woman he had ever crossed paths with aside from Dís lay helpless and suffering in the company's arms. The words Gandalf had confided him with before they entered the forest came back to him; keep an eye on Amaris, the magic in that place will affect her more harshly than the rest of you. He had expected her to act recklessly without logical thought and spit venom at him, not for her to get sick. Guilt and a touch of shame pinched his chest as he watched her pant and gasp in effort to get enough air into her lungs.

The Wolven Warrior (The Hobbit x Oc) [𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗧/𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡]Where stories live. Discover now