Chapter 7

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Author's Note: You guys have no idea how pumped I am just because I'm getting new readers, and old readers keep coming back. I La-la-love you! Seriously. So thank you, to each of you who reviewed/voted/fanned. 

Dedicated to Amazilliaa for being plain awesome. Special thanks to SheaAnzures because she bullied me into writing a longer chapter. ;) Luv ya, girlies!

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Chapter 7

You know that feeling you get when someone's watching you?

Well, I wish I could say that I couldn't feel it, but then I'd be lying. There were eyes trained on the back of my head as I walked through the mess hall. Of course, I knew of a few people who would like to send glares my way, so I ignored it as I sat down next to Maya.

Conversation was easy. We joked around, laughed, and just started up random debates.

"No way!" Maya disagreed. "Pink is better than black!"

I glared playfully. "That's the same thing you said five minutes ago about sandals being better than sneakers."

"Well, they are," she mumbled. "If you lived in California for a day, you would realize that."

"We're not in California, Maya," I responded in a 'duh' tone. "Besides, you can't run in sandals."

"But you can kick it off easier."

"With sneakers, you can kick people harder."

"You have a sadistic mind, Evans. I'm kind of scared..."

"You should be," I told her, smirking evilly.

Her usual grin slipped from her face when she glanced over my shoulder. "Jess, I-"

"Hey, babe."

My eyes narrowed at Colton as he took the seat beside me and draped his arm over my seat. Maya glanced between the two of us before wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. "I'll see you later..."

"No!" I blurted, but she walked away anyways.

Before Gina could follow her, I took Maddie's hand and pouted. "I don't get to spend as much time with her anymore, Gina! You guys are always taking her out and spoiling her."

Gina looked between me and Colton, then to where Maya had walked off to. She gave an apologetic smile and waved, leaving me with Mr. Player himself.

"What's the matter, Princess? You seem upset," he cooed, twirling a strand of my hair in his fingers.

I swatted his hand away. "I was fine until you came."

He leaned in, his lips an inch away from my ear as he whispered, "I bet I could change that."

"Bye!" I sang, standing up. I was pulled back down by the wrist and Colton leaned back in his seat, looking as careless as always. I decided to leave out the fact that if he lifted the front two legs of his chair any further, he would fall.

"Come on, Princess. Talk to me."

"What's with the nicknames?" I asked, exasperated. If only looks could kill...

Note to Self: Invent lazer contacts.

"I think it's cute when you get all worked up over it," he replied, smirking at my glare.

I suppose I could have hit him right then and there. Bruised him for harrassment. But of course, I took the nice approach and smiled sweetly.

And then I punched him in the gut.

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