Chapter 1 - Midnight

Start from the beginning

"I uh... I dunno," I stupidly mumbled.

"Well, you should be told that everyday," Paul said, sounding a bit shy himself, "you might be one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen."

My mind was racing and inside I was dying of happiness because he, the Paul McCartney, just told me I was one of the most beautiful women he's ever seen. I would've never imagined this to happen. Maybe I fantasised here and there, every girl has, but I'd never thought it'd actually be a reality.

"I uh... thank you? You have been with lots of beautiful girls in the past, surely you don't really mean that," I said, not wanting to seem naive.

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't believe so. You're just... so damn pretty. I'd really like to take you out on a date, if you wouldn't mind," Paul said.

"My question is if this is really a date or an invitation to your bed," I said, not wanting to get my hopes up in case I end up disappointed.

Somehow he sort of frowned through his smile, which made me feel a bit guilty for saying that. Yet he managed to come up with a smooth response and seem almost unfazed by my questioned with his words.

"It'd be foolish of me to let such a woman slip by that easily. You're much more than a one night stand," Paul said. He took advantage of the fact that pretty much no one else was here and added, "However, you'll always be a welcome guest should you want to join me in my bed."

My arms got goosebumps and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up when he said that. He winked at me with a smirk on his face when he saw the effect that had on me. I hadn't blushed that hard before.

"D-Do you say that to all the girls you meet?" I asked, not sure what else to say.

"Maybe the girls, but I haven't said that to a woman yet," Paul said. "You're a real woman, I can already tell. Your maturity is very attractive, love."

"I'm not all that mature. Sometimes I am such a girl-"

"Everyone has their moments, and plus, you're still young, aren't you? How old are you?" Paul asked.

"I'm still 26," I said, feeling a bit embarrassed to be so young.

He smiled. "Most of the 26 year olds I meet don't have that thing about them that you do. I know I didn't. I still don't. You're a very intriguing person, please, go on this date with me. I wanna get to know you."

A chance to go on a date with Paul McCartney? Of course I wanted to, but I didn't know if it's be good for me. He was a fantasy that every girl dreamed of and I was scared I'd take this date too seriously. I know myself well enough to realise that attachment comes very quickly to me.

I told myself to just make sure I don't sleep with him. I hoped I'd be fine as long as I didn't do that. Most of the time I kept that just for really significant people in my life, so I thought that as long as I don't accidentally go too far with him then I'd be fine, but I obviously forgot how much a normal conversation could really hold me.

"I guess one date couldn't hurt. I have to pay for my things quickly and load them into the car though," I said.

He grabbed my shopping basket before I could react and stared walking. "Come on, I'll pay for them. Starting from now, everything is my treat."

Though I wanted to protest, I decided against it, after all, he was just trying to be a gentleman I guess. Besides, how many men out there would randomly pay for you groceries on the first date? I decided it'd be alright for now.

Paul was so sweet, he even held my bags for me and put them in the car for me. We decided that I'd quickly drop them off first and then we'd continue the night walking around together. He had his driver take him here, so he simply let his driver go home for the night.

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