Secrets Out

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The girls stand on the side of the bed. " You knew didn't you? " Levy asked. Lucy turns her head. " Why didn't you tell us? And is it him? " Erza asks. Lucy closed her eyes tightly, trying to avoid tears, she calms down a little. She let's out a sigh. There's no use being anxious about it. She opens her eyes, but still doesn't look at them. They give her worried looks. " Yes. It's Natsu's child. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him so so badly. I've met him several times after we broke up. And everytime I got too scared and didn't tell him. And then I start thinking. What if he doesn't want them? Then what will I do? " She asked. A tear streaked down her face. She turns to them with a smile, while those tears still flowing. " But still, even though I say it every day. And whenever I see him, I can't help but still be in love with him " She said, still smiling happily with those sad tears falling ceaselessly. Erza hugged her tightly. " Don't worry, even if he's gonna abandon you, we'll stay by your side! " Erza declared. Lucy laughed a little. " So that's why you've been avoiding drinking? " Cana asked and drank some more of her bottle.

~Outside the room~

" Hey! Erza would be a great father! She is so man like it's shocking! " Evergreen said. Their conversation can be heard. " Oh? And how would you be with a baby of your own? How many more men has it been now? Last time I checked it was 157 " Erza sneered. " Shut up Erza! I don't sleep with that many men! And besides! It's only been like 15 " She retorts. The man that was listening in on this. He wore blue glasses, and an expensive suit. His orange scruffy hair. He has a shocked look on her face. Big sister Lu is having a baby? He thought. He quickly runs from the scene. " I have to tell Natsu! " He said determined. Then Lucy appears in front of him. " Oh what brings you here little lion? " She asked with her signature yandere smile. " N-nothing I was supposed to meet someone here but they changed plans " He lied. " Little lion I hope you know that lying to me is futile " She said. " L-lying? You think I-I'm lying Lu? " He asked nervously, trying to play it off. " If you weren't you wouldn't be so nervous " She said. He shakes his head. " I'm not nervous " He said. " I know you were outside of my room~ know you were listening~ So I'm just gonna tell you not to tell Natsu, That's my job and you know how I feel about people taking my missions~ " She sang. " A-are you gonna do anything? " He asked. Lucy giggled. " I would never hurt you " Lucy smiles and walks away, leaving him scared for his life.

~The next week~

The girls are at a bar. Lucy is a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend. Levy is a flirty drunk girl. Juvia is Lucy's emotional support. Erza is a security. Mira is the bartender. Bisca and Evergreen are shot girls, Lisanna is another bartender, and Cana is ordered to sit at a booth and get drunk. Mira sits a drink down in front of Lucy. " Your Cosmo miss " She said with a smile. " I can't-- " Lucy was saying but Mira shushed her, pushing her fingers onto her lips. " Just drink it kay? " She asked. Lucy looks at her weirdly. She takes a small sip of the pink liquid. This is... She thought. Then looks up at the whitette with a shocked face. She just smiled in return. Lucy takes another sip of the drink. " It would be weird for a woman at a bar not to get drunk " Levy whispered. Lucy smiled at her and drinks more. Levy starts drinking her whiskey. The target comes into range. Lucy gives bisca the signal. She nodded. She pointed her sniper at the man. " Duke Everlue your time is up " Lucy said. Bisca shot, but the silencer was on so no one heard. It goes straight through his head. He leans over backwards and blood leaks out his skull. Lucy stands up, they can all see that look in her eyes. She hates this man. The patrons of the bar are still shocked. Bisca jumped down from her post. Lucy looks down at him evily. " Lucy don't over do it. You understand your condition " Bisca warns her. Lucy closed her eyes and sighed. " I know " She said and smiled sweetly. She drags him out by his hair. Everyone had just shrugged it off and went back to drinking. Erza took the man from Lucy before she did anything crazy. Lucy was walking while talking to Levy. She bumped into someone. " Can't you see that I'm walking-- " She stopped when she looks up into his onyx eyes. She turns to see that her friends are gone. There is a note in her pocket that they left. She find it. Go get him lu-chan!! It said. Bitch!! She thought angrily. She sighed. " T-there is something I need to t-talk to you ab-about... " She said nervously while scratching her cheek. She never stutters. I wonder what it is that she has to tell me that's making her so nervous like that... He thought. He nodded slowly. Lucy grabbed his hand and pulled him along to her car. She drives him to her house without saying a word. This made Natsu evenore curious because he wasn't go go within 100 feet of this house upon Lucy wishes, but now she was literally driving him into there. She dragged him inside and pushed him down on the couch. She sits down on the couch in front of him. She's subconsciously taps her foot at a fast pace, due to nerves. She took a deep breath then let it back out. " Okay. So we were together three months ago... Right? " She asked. He nodded. " And right now, I am three months pregnant... " She said nervously, leaving the latter shocked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2020 ⏰

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