Still Alright

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" Little lion?! You got so big! " She exclaimed. He used to he shorter than her, now he was much taller than her. " You still call me that big sister Lu? I'm already 17 " He said. " Your still a little boy to me " Lucy shrugged. " No fair! Your only 7 years older than me " He pouts. " That's still a lot " Lucy sighed. " Hey how come you don't come to see me and the others anymore? " He asked. If I go to see you guys then I will be inclined to say something that I don't want to... She thought. " I just don't have the time anymore. They give me all the missions " Lucy said. " That's no fair! Well if you do have free time, then come see us " He said. Lucy smiled. " I will be sure to do that... " Lucy said. He finished escorting her to the room. " Bye big sister Lu " He said. " By little lion " Lucy smiled and walked into the door. Why was she going to see doctor porlyusica? She usually does pregnant people... He thought.

~In the room~

" Looks like your coming along just fine. The baby is healthy. She should be born on December 3rd " She said. Lucy smiled. " Thanks " She said. She pulls her shirt down and walks out. She walks into the elevator. The door almost closed when someone holds it. It looks like a guard who is very familiar. Then a pink haired man walks in. Lucy's eyes widen with shock. She keeps her eyes away from him. He looked to her, and a smirk grows on his face. He pressed the button to stop the elevator. " What the hell is wrong with you?! " She yelled at him. " Hm? Did you not want that to happen? " He asked slyly. Lucy glared and went to slap him but he catches it. " Still so violent. " He said. Lucy groaned. " What are you even doing in the hospital anyways?! " She asked. " I was meeting someone here " He shrugged. " In a hospital? " She asked sarcastically. He shrugged. " But why are you in the hospital? " He asked. " I had to come! " She said. " I know that part. Just tell me why " He said. " N-none of your business! " She stuttered. " Why are you stuttering? Is there something you aren't telling me? " He asked. " No! And even if there was I wouldn't need to say it because we broke up already!! " She exclaimed. Natsu was too shocked for words. He let's go of her.


Lucy lays down on her bed. Then there I a knock on the door. " Son of a bitch! " She exclaimed and gets up. She walks down the stairs. " As soon as I try and get some rest... " She muttered angrily. She opens the front door and Levy is standing there with the rest of the team, holding drinks. They were the elite division. Lucy Heartfilia the prodigy. She was born to be the best. That's what everyone says. Layla was the best member of the organization, and then her daughter now holds that title. Levy McGarden the tech wizard. She can handle any type of virus that's thrown at her, and hack into any system, no matter how secure it is. Juvia Lockser the con artist. She can make anyone in the world trust her. Even people who know that she wants them dead. Erza Scarlett the weapon master. She can use any and all weapons, and is an expert in which kinds are the best and which are not good. MiraJane Strauss the Demon. She is the most brutal and merciless one a part of this division. She is usually the one to be put on the assassination missions. She is sweet if you know her though. Bisca Connell the sniper. She can shoot any target with any type of gun, but she usually prefers to snipe people. Lisanna Strauss the theif. She can steal anything or anyone. She's quick and smart, so she's really good for that job. Evergreen Strauss the Torture specialist. She can mess with anyone in anyway, physically, mentally or emotionally. She is the best out of all of them at manipulation. Cana Alberona the drunken boxer. Her specialty is the drunken fist, she's an amazing fighter, but she is much better when she is intoxicated. Her moves are unreadable since they are irrational and have no pattern. So she usually wins fights more than looses if she is drunk. Lucy smiled. " Here! You should take the first drink since you accomplished the mission! " Cana cheered shoving a bottle of vodka into Lucy's hand. I can't drink I'm pregnant... Lucy thought. " I can't " Lucy said pushing it back to her. " Eh? Why not? " Cana asked drinking one herself. " I have to drive you home so I can't be drunk and get a DUI, then I will be arrested because they will recognize me, and see my license... " She said. " Oh well more drinks for me!! " Cana cheered and starts chugging down another bottle. Erza snatched the rest away from her. " I know you love alcohol, but your liver probably doesn't... " Evergreen started. " Get to the point four eyes " Cana glared at her. " All I'm saying is save some for us!! Your not the only person here! " She snapped. " I know! I can see the other 7 people! " She said back. " There are eight! Iron belly are you getting so drunk already that you can barely count?! And after only one bottle? " Evergreen laughed. " I can see just fine. In this room there are eight people and one snake " She spat. " Girls calm down " Lucy said and drags a cooler of alcohol out to Cana. Cana's eyes light up. " Goddess... " She said happily and started drinking even more. Lucy sweat dropped. She signed and sits down on the couch. She watched as her friends got drunk, and soon they all were passed out on the floor. Lucy sighed. She drags them all into the Ezra's Jeep that they came in then takes each one to their houses and then walked back to her own.

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