Don't Call Me That

Start from the beginning

        I was so distracted by my erratic thoughts, that I barely noticed when we pulled into the private parking garage at Avengers Tower. Alright, so it was really the descent into the darkened garage that made me realize where we were, and that pulled me back to reality.

        ". . . Med . . . Inj . . ." Two words lazily floated into my ear. When I looked to see who had said them, it was Tony, as he got out of the car followed by Steve. Clint reached around me slowly to unbuckle me, and I shot him a large smile in thanks. My limbs were starting to gain back their mobility, and my brain was beginning to function properly, so I decided to get out of the car myself.  Sliding out of the car was extremely painful, thankfully Tony was there, waiting for me with a hand held out to assist me.

        "Unc . . . ble . . . Bed . . . Her . . ." More and more words were starting to make sense, and I was just thankful that my brain wasn't as overwhelmed as before.  Sure it was still on overdrive, but being able to understand what's going on around you is important. I just wished that I was able to grasp the whole conversation.

        " . . . Inside first." That was Clint. I would know his voice anywhere. Granted I was looking between the three of them like it was a tennis match, but their beauty made it so hard to focus. The muscles Tony was displaying, Clints authority was extremely sexy. . .

        " . . . "

        The cut of Steve's jawline.

        " . . . "

        Wait, was Steve's jaw moving?

        " . . . "

        I looked closer at his jaw, squinting to see if it really was moving. That, or it was just so sharp that it could cut air.

        " . . .  Doll?" With a squeak, I jumped slightly, only to fall right into the arms of the man with said 'sharp jawline.'

        "Are you alright doll?" Steve spoke slowly and clearly, as he looked into my eyes. All while keeping his hands on my waist. I had jumped into them after all. I don't know why he was speaking so slowly though? It didn't occur to me to answer his question with words, so I tilted my head to the side in confusion. All while staring up at him with wide eyed wonder. He was so handsome, so strong, so mine. . . 

        "Tony went up to get things ready." Clint, who I hadn't noticed had even left, returned from wherever it was he went to, and came up to stand besides Steve.

        "We should get going then." Steve nodded at Clint, then turned to me. "Ready to get cleaned up kitten?" That I understood perfectly, and the answer was yes! I nodded my head enthusiastically causing both men to chuckle. Then they were helping me to the private elevator. Each perfect example of a  specimen of man, had one arm held out to me, so my hand was nestled in the crook of their arms. They were treating me like I was a princess, and they were escorting me to a Ball. I may have been injured, but I had a huge smile on my face, even though it hurt like a bitch.

        The ride up was silent. I was so distracted by the lights that were on the buttons for the different floors, that I missed the silent looks that Steve and Clint were passing each other over the top of my head. We went farther up than I expected us to, and when we stopped, it was just below Tony's private lab. Steve and Clint stepped out with no problem, like it was nothing at all to be this high up. I however  remembered Tony telling me that the top floors were his. The only reason I could think of that we would be up here, was if Tony had something in has lab that he needed.

        Apparently I was walking to slow, not that I cared, because I could hear grumbling coming from behind me. With every new step that I took, a new ache and pain would present itself. For example, apparently I had somehow twisted my ankle and not noticed it until now. The only time I can think of where that could have happened, was when I pushed myself out of the thug leaders arms and onto the floor. My body twisted some then, and I lost my footing. The end result to that, was me face planting on the floor. Either way, if my limping form was to slow for them, they would just have to wait. I didn't think we would be going to far anyway.

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