Moving Forward and a New Friend

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Warnings: Past Chapter Healing, Violence in the form of fighting, Swearing  

Translations Will Be Available At The End Of The Chapter Courtesy Of The Wonderful Wikipedia. 

For words that will be translated simply look for the bold words.

Stella's P.O.V    

          "Again!" Was called out to me in a commanding and unrelenting tone as I landed hard on my left side. I had previously been standing on one of those red, padded training mats, however my new position, as I previously stated, was on the ground. The unmarred, and in a way, sadistically perfect face of one Natasha Romanoff looked down at me as she stood up from her Heisoku-dachi stance she had taken against me. Not one of her hairs was out of place, and her make-up wasn't even smudged. Honestly it was a bit unfair as I had sweat pouring down my face, my hair was falling out of the pony-tail I had put it in this morning, and I had no doubt I was beginning to smell like my own body odor. On the bright side, it was a good thing that the bruises I had received yesterday were yellowing. Horribly however, they were leaving my skin a disgusting greenish color, all the while Nat's skin stayed a pale and delicate pink. She also didn't even have one drop of sweat dotting her forehead. I had asked for this training though so I suppose I couldn't be too upset by her perfectness, after all she was THE Black Widow.

        After the day that I had had yesterday. The unnervingly long night of nightmares, and then the much needed comfort that I had received from one Tony Stark, I had woken up feeling the same as I had while falling asleep yesterday. 




        While also being more than a little pissed off. I know that I shouldn't hold myself responsible for what happened yesterday and the pain that I had gone through, especially since I only know a grand total of 2 self defense moves. One that involves biting anything that you can get your mouth around in the hopes that you can break free. Whereas the other one uses the palm of my right dominant hand as I force it upwards at my assailants nose in the hopes of either breaking said nose, or in the extreme case, shoving the nasal cartilage up into the skull effectively disabling or killing my opponent. But how the hell can you use the second one when your opponents stand behind you ALL THE DAMN TIME!

        So yes. All in all, I was highly pissed off. I was pissed that I was unable to defend myself. I was pissed off that 5 thugs from a top secret organization hell bent on world domination, and whom I had never even heard of before, had gotten the better of me. And last but certainly not least, I was pissed as all get out that I had turned out to be your stereotypical, run of the mill, everyday, damsel in distress. Ever since finding out who my Soul Mates were, I had made a sort of promise, I guess you could say to myself. That promise was simple, and that was simply to never be someone who got in the way of their saving the world. Yesterday only proved to me how foolish and naive that self made promise had been, especially since I had no idea how Hydra had found out about me in the first place. What yesterday had truly done, was to open my eyes to the dangers of the world that were hidden from your average citizen, as well as proving to me that I was truly defenseless against them. No matter how much I wished that wasn't the case. 

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