Pancakes or Waffles?

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    Warning: Mentions a girl getting her measurements taken while asleep.

     Waking up the next morning was an experience to say the least. I would have thought the whole previous day was a dream if it hadn't of been for my surroundings. I was still in the med bay of the Avengers Tower, shiny chrome and all, and I had no clue what time it was. You would think with all of the new technology in this room they would at least have a clock! So leaning up on my elbows I glanced out the window only to see that it was still dark outside and the city was still lit up for nighttime. Normally this was when I would get up to get ready for my work day, but apparently the good doctors sleep medication couldn't even let me sleep through my internal alarm or my day off it seemed. I sighed audibly though quietly, and it was as though that was the sign that it was time for the day to start.

     The lights automatically switched on going from dim and gradually growing brighter until they were at a normal brightness. The tinted glass windows, which I didn't even realize were tinted, opened up slightly to let the fresh morning air in, and a morning radio talk show started playing quietly from a hidden area somewhere in the room.

     "What the frick frack?" I groaned. It was too early to be fully awake for this crap.

     "Good morning Ms. Monroe." J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke suddenly, and I'll admit that I jumped a bit off of the bed I was on.

     "Um. Good morning J.A.R.V.I.S." Speaking to the ceiling was quite awkward for me, and I mean what was I even supposed to talk at?! So I settled for sitting up on the bed and looking at my lap while I listened and carried on my conversation with the A.I.

     "I hope you slept well. The Master had some clothes sent up for you in the night. I took the liberty of taking your measurements while you were sleeping so they should fit appropriately."

     "You took my measurements." I stated blandly and slightly upset. That was really personal and not something that should have been done without my permission and definitely not while I was unconscious.

     "Of course. Mister Stark wanted to make sure you would be comfortable so I simply scanned you while you were sleeping. It was completely non-invasive."

      Exasperated I looked at the ceiling. "You're not helping your case dude."

     "I do not know what this "dude" is that you speak of, however I will not scan you again without your permission if that is what you prefer."

     "Yes. That is what I prefer." I said as I got up and looked around for these "clothes". I found them on the little bedside table to the right of me, and with a little more "investigating," I found an attached bathroom to do my business and change in.

     The clothes ended up being a pair of black leggings, a pink tank top, and a new pair of underwear. I thanked God that he didn't get me a bra and that the underwear was still in the packaging. I had way too many bra's as it is, and I'm already uncomfortable with the fact that he knows ALL of my sizes and got me underwear. I was really hoping something wouldn't fit so I could stay in my comfy and familiar clothes, but of course, all the clothes fit perfectly. Conflicted, I decided to wear the clothing as it would be rude of me to not wear them. After all, he did go  through the trouble of getting them for me. However I was definitely going to bring up the nonexistent boundaries of his A.I. with Tony later.

     At some point yesterday my hair had been taken out of its ponytail, so without a brush it was going to be all kinds of messed up. My fingers would work just as well in a pinch, so I walked out of the bathroom while combing my hair through my fingers, only to almost run into Tony.

Feel My Soul AvengerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora