The Big Apple

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Warnings: Swearing, Short Chapter (they get longer I promise),

Stella P.O.V

        New York City was exactly what I expected it to be, and at the same time, it was completely different to any, and all of my expectations. First and foremost, it was loud and obnoxiously busy. The sidewalks were flooded with too many people to be able to make your way unencumbered anywhere without having to body check someone. Not only that, but these people had no manners, and were rude as hell. Everyone seemed to not care where you were going, or if you got in their way. As long as they got to where they were headed, that's all that mattered. I felt as small as an ant, as I dodged and weaved through all of the foot traffic, and that is never a pleasant feeling to have.

          Then you had the flip side of the coin. If you ignored all of the rude people that surrounded you, the city had a strange sense of beauty to it. The staggering heights of the multiple buildings gave the cityscape a beautiful sense of dimension and life. Everywhere I looked, I was awed by the different types of architecture that the city was made of. While I was busy trying to take in as many sights as I could, as quickly as was humanly possible, I was practically knocked on my ass by all of the smells of the many different street foods cooking. Not just American foods either, but Mexican, Chinese, Indian, and Greek seemed to be the most predominant smells and flavors around me.

        The blending of different cultures, people, and smells all around me was wonderful, and the exact opposite of my little hometown in Michigan. I knew Detroit was known to be a mixing pot of different cultures, people, and foods, but I lived hours away from there. My home town had one hispanic family who ran the local community garden and farmed for a living. That was it. That was the extent of my hometown's diversity, and I hated it. We can learn so much from different people and cultures, and that town was stifling to the side of me that craved that kind of knowledge. 

        This move to New York was already looking to be one of the best decisions I had ever made, and it was turning out to be the exact kind of change that I had been looking for in my life. As I looked down at my Soulmarks, that feeling of hope that I had felt before my plane ride came over me again. Maybe this is where I'm meant to be? Maybe this is where I would meet my soulmates? As if replying to my inner thoughts, my marks started to give off a tingling feeling while warming up a little. The smile that grew on my face in reply did nothing to contain the hope and joy I felt. 

        Yup, this was absolutely the right thing to do. 

        Now for a seemingly impossible feat for a newcomer in the big city. Hailing a cab. I'd never had to ride in anything that wasn't my mom's car before, but how hard could it possibly be? The answer to that question, would be hard. Very hard. It seemed like every cab in the city already had a passenger and was on their way to somewhere. It took far too long in my opinion to finally hail an empty cab, but eventually I got lucky and scored a ride with a nice, older, Indian fellow with a large smile adorning his face.

        After I had given the nice cab driver the address to my new (to me) apartment building, which also happened to double as my job downstairs, I leaned back in my seat and looked out the window. It seemed like everything was flashing by right before my eyes, even as we went at NYC traffic speeds. I saw everyday things like business men and women walking to and from work, as well as places to eat. I made sure to make a mental note of a few of those places to try out, especially that cute little shawarma place.

        Then I saw things that you don't see everyday, like a funny shaped jet. When I asked the cab driver what it was, he said it was the "Avengers Quinjet," and though I had no idea what that was, it sounded like something pretty badass if you asked me. Then there was the Stark Tower turned Avengers Tower that I remembered reading about in the newspapers back home. Apparently it was a self sustaining building whatever that meant. All I knew was that it ran on clean energy, and GREEN IS GOOD. Or so I learned at my school where they pounded recycling into our heads like it was going out of style.

        Either way, I'm pretty sure I saw Tony freaking Stark walking into his building as we stopped right in front of it at a stoplight. But the excitement of seeing a Celebrity, Superhero, and Billionaire, was overshadowed by the feeling of the red rose mark on my arm flaring up as though it was on fire. I was so distracted by looking down at my forearm in confusion and slight pain, that I missed out on my chance at getting a good look at the hunky genius I had gotten a glimpse of previously. As I was so distracted by the pain in my arm, I missed seeing how the man in question grabbed at his left bicep before he began looking around wildly, only to see me holding onto my own arm and soulmark in my cab. 

          It only took a short time after that to arrive at my new building. With a smile and a generous amount of cash, I thanked my cab driver for being my first ever taxi ride. He was very happy with the tip he received, and he bid me to have a good day as he drove off to find a new fare. Standing on the sidewalk, I looked at my new job, and the stairs that were to the side of the building that led up to my apartment. Thank God for thoughtful landlords I thought, as the owner had mailed me directions and a key earlier in the week before I left for the Big Apple. The letter that accompanied said key, spoke of how professional this man was, which was always a good thing when dealing with bosses or landlords.

        Dear Ms. Stella Monroe,

        Thank you for your interest in not only working in one of my businesses, but also in renting out the apartment above La Café Niño. You will begin work at 9 am sharp on Monday the 1st of May. As for the apartment, it can only be accessed by the stairs on the side of the building. There are no other entrances in or out besides the windows in case of a fire breaking out. Enclosed in this envelope, is the key for your apartment as well as our Renters Agreement. You have spoken very much of wanting the apartment, so I will allow, just this once, for you to hand in your signed contract to me on your first day of work. I have received your rent for this month as well as the safety deposit. Both of which will be cashed upon your arrival in New York.

        Safe Travels,

        Leon Meguilla

        After standing there for a few more minutes just getting up the nerves to enter my apartment, I began to ascend the staircase. It wasn't super high up, I was only on the second floor, so it didn't take long for me to make my way up the stairs and unlock my front door. I then placed both of my bags of clothes gently on the ground. I had had the rest of my things air shipped here prior to my arrival, so I only had to carry my essentials with me. Then, I turned around and gently closed the door behind me. With both of my hands flat against the door, and my forehead resting against it as well, I let the feeling of being overwhelmed consume me. This was my first place on my own. This wasn't Kansas anymore Toto, and I was far from home with no family to help me out should I get in a jam. 

        This was real. This wasn't a dream. I had no friends. No family. Just a GED and a give 'em hell attitude (not really I graduated, but I love Dean). I was as ready as I would ever be. I had the money from selling the house, and I had the thought of finding my Soulmates to give me something to look forward too. I hadn't found them yet, but that tingling feeling at the airport, and the burning sensation I had felt in front of the Avengers Tower were all positive signs. I would find them in New York. All three of them. I just knew it. So I took a deep breath to center myself, and placed a smile on my face before I turned around to face my new apartment.

         It was time to officially make it my own.

A/N: Edited as of 04/24/2024

You are the MUSES that INSPIRE ME!! 

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Until next time my lovelies!!😘🥳

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