Muffins for Pepper

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Warnings: Short Chapter (they get longer!)

Edited as of 04/25/2024

Time skip 2 weeks

        Time in my new home seemed to pass me by in a horrendously boring blur of eat, work, sleep, repeat. It wasn't anything like what I had been hoping for when I had moved to the big city. Yes the change of scenery was wonderful, and the people were very eclectic and fun to watch, but I hadn't had a chance to go exploring yet. The feeling of being stuck in a rut, was causing me lots of frustration. Especially when every once in a while, I could feel one of my soulmarks tingle, heat up, or do both sensations at once. When that would happen, I would always make sure to drop whatever it was I had been doing and look around quickly. In the end, it didn't matter how quickly I surveyed my surroundings, I never saw anyone reacting to their own soulmark.

        My day began simply. Every morning at exactly 4:30am on the dot, the alarm I had set on my phone would wake me up and tell me to get my ass out of bed by blaring Eye of the Tiger. It was important that I get up with my first alarm, or I wouldn't get up at all. One of the perks of waking up to this song is that it pumps you up for the day ahead. It was either this song or Asia's Heat of the Moment, but I only used that song on Tuesdays. 

        Is 4:30 too early to be up? Yes it is, but this way I would still have time to do my morning routine, before heading downstairs to do my daily manual labor, AKA work as a barista. As always, I would take a steaming hot shower and use my usual Aussie Volume shampoo and conditioner. It wasn't like my hair wasn't thick enough already I thought, but I loved how it gave my hair an extra bounce as I walked. And let's be honest, I really liked it for its name, and those cute commercials they used to do for it too.

          Have you ever intentionally frozen yourself? I do. Every morning just to wake up. I enjoy the steaminess of the shower for as long as I can timewise, before turning the water all the way to the right so that the freezing cold water can shock me awake. After that unpleasant but necessary 30 seconds of Hell, I'd dry off with my mint green towel, not white, but mint green. My mom always had everything white around the house, and I hated it. She said it made everything match and go together, while I would much rather have a rainbow of colors surrounding me. Color makes life beautiful and worth living, without color we would be living in a sad gray world. I know some people are color blind and that's how they see the world, but color is everything to me. It's a mood. Food. How you coordinate things. Color is life balled up into one word.

        Next on my agenda, was the beast that I call my hair. Don't get me wrong I love my dark blonde hair, but when it's wet? That's when it fights me back, and I don't even have curls, just slight waves! Anyone with long hair knows, that if you don't get all the conditioner out of your hair, or rub it into your hair just right, you'll regret it. Well this morning, it turns out, I regretted it. Quickly, I forced a brush through my hair, and pulled it up into a ponytail to air dry so I didn't have to use a hair dryer. Any time I did, I ended up looking like a poodle with mad cow disease. Never had I met anyone else who couldn't use a hair dryer on their hair, but alas I could not. Whenever I even tried my hair started to poof out and get staticky, while at the same time staying flat in some places. It wasn't a pretty sight, and so came the end of my relationship with hair dryers.

        With my all black ensemble of black jeans, a black T-shirt, and black non-slip shoes with black socks, I was ready to head downstairs and start my day, all of this by 5:30.

Feel My Soul AvengerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora