(12) The Mate's Kiss

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When I woke up the next morning I was alone in his bed. I instantly shot up and looked around for any sign of Colt but judging by how cold his side of the bed was I knew that he was long gone. The sheets on his side of the bed were still tangled from when he had gotten out of it and his pillow was carefully pressed against my side so that I wouldn’t notice his absence while asleep. Remembering what had happened the last time I had woken up like this I quickly scrambled out of my bed with my stomach growling.

What kind of food would Colt have prepared for me today? I wondered curiously, Maybe more of those sausages or eggs.

My jump onto the floor was quieted by the carpet and I couldn’t help but smile at that. With predatory instinct pumping through my veins I stalked over to the door and slowly whisked it open so that I could take in the smell of Colt’s freshly cooked meal. When I opened the door however and eagerly sniffed the air I was met with no sort of fabulous flavors and instead I just got a nose full of human.

My nose crinkled at the unmasked odor of sweat and automatically my eyes fell to Linc. The man’s grin instantly dropped from his face and morphed into a curious frown. I shrugged off his change in attitude and looked over at the beautiful woman that was standing beside him. Jackie wore a long flowing blue dress that kissed her delicate ankles. Her long brown hair cascaded down her shoulders in long curls. Jackie, whose smile broadened once her eyes fell onto me, took a happy step towards me.

“Good morning Allie.” She greeted musically.

I smiled warmly back at her before walking over to stand besides Colt who had somehow managed to magically appear. “Morning,”

I had meant for the greeting to go to Jackie but I ended up looking at Colt. His thick arms were folded over his chest and his face was drawn into a softer frown. He nodded his head at me before mumbling back the same greeting. I could feel my heart beat quicken a little as I stared into his wonderfully brilliant eyes. For a moment I became completely mesmerized by them until Linc snapped me out of it.

“Are you wearing Colt’s clothes again?” Linc practically yelled.

I glanced over at him with a frown forming on my face before looking down at my clothes. My gaze fell onto the big grey T-shirt and baggy black sweatpants that were in question. “Yeah,”

Linc frowned at me before lifting his chin and gesturing over to Colt’s bedroom. “And did I not just see you sneaking out of Colt’s room?”

Uncomfortable but his strange questions I started to shift my weight. “Yeah,”

Linc gasped at my answer and then turned a cold eye towards Colt. “You sly dog you, you’ve only been seeing her for three days now and already you’ve soiled her!” Linc then took a dramatic step towards me, before he grabbed hold of my wrist, and yanked me into his arms. “It’s all right Allie, that big brute won’t hurt you anymore!”

I pushed against his flat yet firm chest, trying to get away but he hardened his grip. “Come Jackie, we must flee with the poor maiden before Colt can molester her anymore!”

“I don’t molester her.” Colt growled annoyingly.

Linc, who was surprisingly strong for a human started to drag me along the carpet. “His in denial, quickly Jackie get the door.”

I heard a loud smack happened before Linc suddenly released me. I staggered around for balance until a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. A warm liquid slid down from my chest into my lower stomach at the feel of the hard but gentle embrace. I knew who it was without even looking but when I lifted my head back to say ‘thank you’ to him the words became lost in my throat.

Those gorgeous green eyes flashed a brilliant gold color and I was entranced all over again. His hot breath blew against my face in a long dreamy sigh before he planted me back on my feet and took a step back. Even though we were no longer touching each other my heart was still doing strange flip flops inside of my chest. I blew out a heavy breath to try and calm myself done but it did little help.

“Why did you smack me in the back of the head?” Linc pouted over to his wife.

Jackie fisted her hands on her hips and glared playfully back at her husband. “Maybe it was because you were feeling up another woman.”

Appalled that she would suggest something like that Linc held his hand over his heart. “I was just being the gallant knight that you’ve always wanted me to be by saving a damsel in distress.”

Jackie smile broke through as she took a step closer to her husband. She lifted her pale slim hand up to his cheek and move bits of hair away from his brow. Her dark brown eyes were heated with adoration.

“I’ve never had a need for a knight in shining armor,” In one smooth motion she raised herself up onto her tip toe and kissed him soundly on the lips. “Besides I think that Allie can handle Colt by herself.” She turned her head slyly over to me and winked. I had no clue what she meant by handling Colt on my own but I felt flustered none the less.

Colt stepped out from behind me and grabbed a jacket that was hanging on the kitchen table. “If you’re done screwing around now Linc, we’d better get going.”

Linc let out a childish groan before sobering up and planting an endearing kiss on Jackie’s forehead. “I’ll see you later babe.”

Jackie bobbed her head slowly in a nod then watched him lovingly as he walked out of the room with Colt on his heels. Colt turned back around in the frame of the apartment door and looked directly back at me. His green eyes holding my attention so completely that I almost forgot how to breathe. Then without saying a single word he shut the door behind him.

I felt a little heartbroken that he hadn’t left me with any endearing words but then I realized that he probably had none to give. I turned my attention over to Jackie who was still staring at the door that her husband had just walked through. Her woodsy brown eyes were filled with such longing that it almost broke my own heart.

How wonderful it must be to be mated to a man like Linc. The two of them seemed to hit things off so well that I had almost forgotten that tragic sadness that shadowed over their happiness. Hesitant to break her out of her trance I fiddled with the edge of Colt’s shirt. Suddenly I started to wonder how a werewolf knew when they had found their mate.

“Hey Jackie,” I causally whispered over to her.

She spun around on her heels breathlessly as she held her chest. “Oh I’m sorry I almost forgot that you were there.” She laughed embarrassedly.

I shook my head at her since it was really no big deal and continued on. “How did you know that Linc was your mate?”

The woman watched me for a second before breaking out into fits of laughter. Confused as to what was so funny about my question I just stood there awkwardly and watched until Jackie realized that I had been serious. She instantly sobered up when I didn’t join in with her. Her thin dark brow rose slightly as she asked,

“Oh you were being serious?” I nodded and then her face instantly flushed a brilliant shade of red. She coughed to try to hide her embarrassment. She ran her hands down her brilliant blue dress and shifted her weight around before answering. “Umm okay, a male wolf can tell who its mate is just by looking at her or smelling her scent, but for a female its takes a little more of a push. We actually have to kiss them to know whether or not we are mates. I thought that all werewolves knew that so I’m sorry for laughing at you.”

I waved off her apology, “I was isolated from other wolves most of my life, but did the same rule apply for you and Linc?”

“You give me a few shots of vodka and I’ll kiss just about any poor sap that sits down next to me. Ha-ha that is basically how I met Linc.”

I giggled at the image of a drunken Jackie doing exactly that at some random bar. “Why is it that the females have to kiss the males to know?”

Jackie shrugged her small shoulder and sighed. “Oh sweetie, if you found the answer to that one I would personally kiss you. Now if you will excuse me I am starving.” She wondered Colt’s kitchen and opened up the fridge door. As if she was right at home she quickly whipped something together for the both of us and then ushered me over.

“What is this?” I asked curiously.

She cocked her eyebrow at me, “Its Mac and Cheese.”

I stared down into the yellow mush and smiled. Happy to finally appease my rumbling stomach I practically ran into the kitchen and inhaled the food. It wasn’t as good as the meal that Colt had prepared the other day but it was satisfying enough. As I ate the rest of the food I thought about what Jackie had just told me.

It was a strange custom for a female to have to kiss the male to know whether or not they were mates but then again I’m sure the male would kiss his mate as soon as he found her. I mean what wolf didn’t want to be mated. A strange thought crossed my mind at that point. What if the male refused to kiss his mate for some reason, does that mean that the female would never know whether or not they were mates?

At that thought I suddenly lost my appetite. Did that mean that Colt and I could still be mates? My fork dropped down to the table with a clank. If Colt knew that I was his mate but didn’t want me to know about it then it would explain so much. I could vaguely hear Jackie calling out my name but I was too deep in my own thoughts to actually hear her. If Colt was actually my mate then it would explain why he wanted to protect me so badly, it explained why he always pulled away from me just when I thought we were going to kiss, it explained everything!

I could feel my heart fill with dread as one last thought went flying through my head. It explained why Kirk was so interested in killing me, because killing a wolf’s mate was worst thing you could do to a werewolf.

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I told you that i would be updating tonight!! Ohh i hope that you all loved that last little bit there :) Please don't forget to leave feedback 'cuz you know i love it :D

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