Notice Of Missing Patients

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Last night on December 25, 1951 at approximately 1:00 am two patients escaped from their cell. The two patients are Levi Kahanovitch and Evan Thomas.

The two are mentally unstable but do not pose a threat to your survival. They are believed to either be in the  Pittsburgh or Philadelphia areas. 

Levi is a mixed Siberian Husky and Timber Wolf. He has a blue and brown eye with white to gray fur. He has scars around his face and healing bruises. He is around six feet tall and around 170 pounds. 

Evan is a dragon. He has hazel-yellow eyes with grey fur. He has no markings or scars. He is around eight feet tall and weighs close to 200 pounds.

If you see these two you are asked to call the Pennsylvania State Police at 783-5599 or call your local police department. Do not attempt to apprehend them!

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