Patient Profile: Evan Thomas

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Name: Evan Thomas

Nationality: American

Religion: Mennonite Christian. Soon to be convert to Roman Catholicism 

Age: 20

DOB: December 5, 1931

Species: Copperhead snake

Height: 7 feet 11 inches

Weight: 170 ibs

Eyes: Hazel

Military: No

Arrest Records: Petty Vandalism

Marks: Snake pattern. No scars

Notes: Received at St. Christina's on October 31, 1950 by his parents. His parents complained of delusions and constantly biting others. He is currently medicated on Lithium for mood stabilization and received Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Evan is usually complacent but can sometimes bite others. As of October of 1951 he is rooming with another patient. 

Possessions: National Geographic magazines(monthly subscription) and a journal. Please note that he thinks of himself as a Catholic and will sometimes have a rosary(staff have confiscated it sometimes. Please do not take other patient's religious possessions). 

Other notes: Not a threat to self but can be a threat to others. Do not grab him as he will snap and can bite down if mad. He will usually give a warning hiss before he bites so please heed his warning hiss and let him calm down. If you can coax him with food. 

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