Psychiatric Notes 1

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Date: October 1, 1951

Attending Doctor: Dr.Angela Schulz Ph.D, M.D, MBBS

Patient: Levi Kahanovitch

Notes: Levi was brought in around 16:30 hours(4:30 pm) via State Police. Patient appeared to be calm but nervous. He was searched and issued new clothes upon intake. He was given a psychiatric assessment(assessment was recorded). I asked him about his upbringing. He responded he is a first generation American of Russian Immigrants. He said his parents left Russia just before he was born due to the oppressive regime in place with hopes for new opportunities. His mother is Old Believer Orthodox and his father Jewish. He said his parents met in school in Vladivostok. His mother is from Vladivostok and his father was also from the Far East(now called the Jewish Oblast). Said he was raised as both Christian and Jewish. 

I asked about how his parents treated him and he hinted at possible emotional and physical abuse. He said his father was an alcoholic and he labeled his mother as "an insane bitch that would be loving one minute and would beat you the next". He said he has a younger brother named Yuri who would be about 16. He indicated he left home at 17 after he was beaten. 

I asked about marriages and relationships to which he said he has had none. He said he feels like his rough upbringing damaged him(check for possible homosexual impulses, if so add to the list of possible disorders). 

He also stated previous attempts of suicide and self harm. Stated he hates being alone for a long time as he has a fear of abandonment . 

Symptoms Preset and Discussed: Anxiety, discontent, social isolation, rumination, fear of abandonment, chronic emptiness, self destructive thoughts, compulsive behaviors, suicidal thoughts, suicidal behaviors, antisocial behaviors

Possible Diagnosis: Major Depression, Character Disorder, Borderline Schizophrenia, Neurosis, Psychosis(minor).

Other: Place on suicide watch, give him a room mate that is generally stable

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