13. Freedom

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Midnight came rather quickly. The two grabbed their meager possessions and went over to the door. Earlier in the day they had found a piece of trash and managed to jam it between the locks so that it could open if they pushed hard enough against the door. The door opened without an issue and they looked down the dark hallway. There was a shift change at midnight so they were able to sneak down the steps to the ground floor without an issue. They crept to the door when they heard boots coming down the hall towards them. They ducked into a utility closet and waited for the guard to leave them. The midnight shift had just started and they were almost free. They heard voices from outside the closet "Yeah Sgt. John said he was going to be little late. Something about being caught up with a family event. Did you check the Medium Security Ward?". Another voice replied "Yeah I checked about an hour ago. Shift two will go up in thirty minutes and do a sweep. I doubt anything happened in a thirty minute frame". The two voices laughed and went down the corridor and out of earshot.

They slowly crept out of the closet and down the hall to the now dark nurses station. They slowly opened the door and managed to step outside when they started hearing running from above them on the steps. "Shit they know we fled. RUN!" Evan said as he they started running towards the tree. They did not dare look behind them as they ran faster than they ever ran. They saw the tree ahead of them. They quickly scaled the tree and jumped over the wall. "Keep running until we make it to town. Then keep running" Levi said as they ran through the woods. After nearly an hour they made it to town where they managed to steal some clothes from a shop. They left what little money they had on them and some cigarettes as compensation. "What now?" Levi asked. Evan replied "We get out of Pennsylvania before the State Troopers find us. There's a train yard near here. I think if we hop a train, go to Pittsburgh and hop another going west, we should be alright". They ran to the train yard and boarded a freight train bound for Pittsburgh as it was starting to depart. They were free!

Angela was awakened by her phone at around one in the morning. "What is it?" she answered yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Doctor, we had two patients escape from the Medium Security Unit. We searched the entire hospital grounds but could not find them. We contacted the State Police and they are going to start searching". She became angry "WHO THE FUCK ESCAPED UNDER YOUR WATCH!?" she shouted. "Ummm it was Levi Khanovitch and Evan Thomas. They somehow managed to jam the lock with a rag and uhhhh get away". She sighed and said "Whoever gave you your job was clearly lazy". She hung up the phone and dressed. No one would escape from her hospital and damned if someone did. 

She got to the hospital at around one thirty. The road to the hospital had state police cars and sheriff cars. All the Troopers and Deputies were brandishing pistols and shotguns. She smiled at the thought of them being shot by the police. She went to her office ad met with the captain of the local precinct and the local sheriff. She handed them their documents and gave them descriptions. "We'll do our best to find them but if I may be honest. We probably won't find them. If they were smart they started leaving the state probably by rail. We'll let our precincts in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh know of this". Angela asked "Why only Philadelphia and Pittsburgh?". "Those two cities have railroads that leave the state. If they wanted to go south they probably be going through Philadelphia. If they wanted to go West or even go north they would pass through Pittsburgh. We'll keep you updated and let you know if we find them. Chances are they are probably well on their way to Pittsburgh. 

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